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Pécs: an URBACT city 2010 European capital of culture

Edited on

24 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

Three European cities are set to kick off a year-long culture fest featuring exhibitions, music and theatre. The cities chosen to be this year's European capitals of culture are Essen and the Ruhr region of Germany, Istanbul in Turkey and Pécs in southern Hungary. URBACT is proud to count Pécs as a member of our community, the city is indeed partner in UNIC project, the urban network on innovation in ceramics. Taking over from Linz (Austria) and Vilnius (Lithuania), the three have put together a packed programme of events that should attract tens of thousands of visitors.

 />This year marks the 25th anniversary of the EU's culture capital programme. Events must reflect the city's European character and directly involve residents. They must also promote the cities' overall development. To that end, each capital receives €1.5m in EU funds.<br /><br />Organisers of the Ruhr programme hope to contribute to the revival of the heavily urbanised area in western Germany - home to well over 7 million people. A century ago, the Ruhr was Europe's biggest industrial region, teeming with coal mines and steel mills. Today the idle factories, furnaces and industrial canals are being turned into museums and tourist attractions.<br /><br /><img width=European capitals of culture – Europa website