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Consultation of European Regions and Cities launched by the Committee of the Regions

Edited on

24 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

The Committee of the Regions has decided to launch a consultation of the European local and regional authorities on the future of the growth and jobs strategy after 2010 to enable them to voice their viewpoints and concerns to the European Council.

"The outcome of the consultation will be presented and discussed in Brussels during the Open Days week (5-8 October 2009), and will then feed into the political message that the CoR will address to the 2010 Spring European Council, where the final decisions will be made. All the local and regional authorities of the EU can contribute to shaping this message by answering the questionnaire. Replies can be sent in any of the EU official languages by Monday 20 April 2009 at the latest. Please send your replies to in a Word format (doc).  Read more:

  • COR - website
  • - Word Document
