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M-Spice: Kick-off meeting in Umeå

Edited on

15 June 2012
Read time: 1 minute

On the 13th and 14th of June the city partners of the M-Spice project gathered together in Umeå, Sweden to take part in a ‘kick-off’ meeting. A chance for partners to get to know each other, but also to discover the northern Swedish lead partner city and share the motivation and reasoning behind the idea to launch a project dealing with monitoring of strategic urban policy and implementation.

With the Leipzig Charter and Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC) as backdrop the delegates from Umeå, Nancy, Hradec Králové, Zalau and La Rochelle presented their city and their particular interest in the project theme. In workshops they examined their experience of being a test city for development of the RFSC, took first tentative steps in setting out an activity plan for the transnational exchange and learning process and explored potential themes to initiate local action within the project.

Four cities indicated that they would be interested in continuing to consult the Reference Framework as inspiration, and prime resource, to develop a monitoring system adapted to their particular issues and existing structures. Adaptability and relevance to specific contexts were key points of focus in this discussion. The Romanian city of Zalau imagined a role working within the web tool which has been developed as key operational instrument within the Reference Framework (anticipated launch in the autumn of 2012)

Coupled to the kick-off conference the city of Umeå convened a meeting of an embryonic Local Support Group to accompany their work programme in the M-Spice project. Representatives from Umeå university, Västerbotten Regional Council, and the Swedish Board of Housing and Planning joined in an animated consideration of the role of this participative engagement, the possible options in relation to developing a Local Action Plan and potential additional group members. This is a challenge in a relatively technical project topic, which suggests a technical accompaniment but where civic society as ultimate beneficiary can also play a significant role. So watch this page!

The midnight sun at such a northern latitude meant that working hours could be extended but project partners still found time to visit Umeå (designated EU cultural capital in 2014), to better understand this special location and the city’s growth, development - and strategic monitoring ambitions.