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CTUR ULSG Naples activities and CTUR Exhibition

Edited on

12 September 2011
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Faculty of Architecture Traineeship 2011

The traineeship 2011 organized by University of Naples Federico II (ULSG member) on the subject "Monsters in the city. How to modify Palazzo Ottieri" starts its works.

CTUR Travelling Exhibition

The exhibition hosted by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II opened on 12th September 2011. See the PDF icon Download Travelling_Exhibition_in_Naples-2rid.pdf (5.95 MB)

On 12th September 2011 the 3rd edition of the traineeship on "Monsters in the city. How to modify Palazzo Ottieri", starts its works with the presentation of the issues and project themes to the students.

The training course, organized by the President of the Architecture Degree course (Professor Roberta Amirante) - Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II, in collaboration with the City of Naples and S.I.Re.Na., involved this year about 40 students attending the last year of Degree course.

It consisted of lectures, workshops, classroom activities, reviews with tutors and teachers. Participant of the works are also the URBACT Naples LSG and exceptionally Raffaele Barbato from the URBACT Secretariat and Vittorio Torbianelli, Lead Expert of the CTUR Project, who attended the opening day.

The first edition of the training focused on possible crossing of cruise passengers within the port and from the city to the port.

The second year the planning theme focused specifically on the main square of the lower city, “Piazza Mercato”.

The third edition will give an important input on the implementation of one specific action contained in the LAP: Action 1.3

1.3.2_the Requalification of Palazzo Ottieri: Requalification of the side towards the sea of the building and requalification of the common parts of the building, underground parking. Requalification of the ground floor premises and new accesses to the building to connect piazza Mercato to the Port.