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Cities and cruises: the search for mutual benefits

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

AIVP Dock Infos

article of the URBACT CTUR Lead Expert Vittorio Torbianelli PDF icon Download DI_76_GB_BD.pdf (2.13 MB)

Should the cities abstain from competing with the cruise operators for inland excursions ?

Port cities know that they can gain benefits from cruise liner calls (economic spinoffs connected with the capital brought in by the cruise operators, and with the expenditure of the tourists and crews ; visit of tourists envisaging to come back, etc...). However these benefits are often less than the expectations which the cities judge to be legitimate against the notable efforts which they have made for the cruise operators (construction of port terminals, quays, etc...) and to the impacts that they are subjected to (occupation of spaces, congestion, etc...).

The cities can significantly increase the economic spinoffs on the local level [...]. By signing appropriate agreements, the cities and the cruise operators can thus develop mutually profitable strategies.

Vittorio Torbianelli
Università degli Studi di Trieste –DICAR
Lead expert of the URBACT –CTUR project
(Cruise Traffic and Urban Regeneration – Croisière et regeneration urbaine)

See the AIVP Dock Infos to read more about port cities:

PDF icon Download DI_76_GB_BD.pdf (2.13 MB)