FIN-URB-ACT Final Project Report
Edited on
23 February 2015After three years of work the FIN-URB-ACT network has drawn common conclusions, recommendations, strategies, guidelines, gives an overview of success, failures and good practices and difficulties on SME support policies the Download FIN-URB-ACT Final Project Report - Fostering innovative economies and SMEs (1.56 MB)
The FIN-URB-ACT network - Integrated Urban Actions for Fostering and Financing innovative Economies and SMEs - consisted of eleven parten cities from 10 European Member States (Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Romania, Spain, Portugal and UK), one thematic coordinator and one lead expert who worked together on the topics of local SME support.
- How can regions and cities shape better framework conditions, to which foster the financial and non-financial support for SME?
- What kind of networks do we need to provide funding programs for our local economy and put projects into practice?
- How can we enhance the cooperation between Managing Authorities of the EU Structural Funds on regional and national levels with local Municipalities?
Looking retrospectively, fruitful outcomes can be observed in the single partner cities. New structures have been created and existing could be strengthened and modified.
The Final papers consist of two documents: The Download FIN-URB-ACT Final Project Report - Fostering innovative economies and SMEs (1.56 MB) and the
Download FIN-URB-ACT Final Report Executuve Summary - Fostering innovative economies and SMEs (870.52 KB). Both documents are written in English. The Executive Summary is also translated in all partners language:
FIN-URB-ACT Executive Summary _DE
FIN-URB-ACT Executive Summary_ES
FIN-URB-ACT Executive Summary_PL
FIN-URB-ACT Executive Summary_RO
FIN-URB-ACT Executive Summary_ SI
FIN-URB-ACT Executive Summary_FR
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