Presentation of HerO Partners' Local Action Plans
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09 October 2017At the beginning of the HerO network activities, the European Commission has awared HerO the ‘Fast Track Label’, a specific instrument of the ‘Regions for Economic Change’ initiative which aims to get the cities and the Managing
Authorities of the European Cohesion Policy’s Operational Programmes working together to enhance the impact exchange activities have on local level. The early launch of the HerO partner’s Local Action Plans facilitates the implementation of concrete measures before the end of the project period.

In May 2010 already, the partners of the Fast Track network HerO were invited to present their Local Action Plans to the European Commission at the 'Regions for Economic Change’ Conference. Political representatives of the HerO cities Sighisoara, Lublin and Regensburg as well as representatives of their associated Managing Authorities came to Brussels to introduce their approaches on local level to Commissioner Johannes Hahn and to Dirk Ahner, Director-General for Regional Policy.
Regensburg's Lord Mayor Hans Schaidinger presents the LAP to the Director-General for Regional Policy Dirk Ahner.
Sorin Virgil Savu, Vice Mayor of Sighisoara, presents the LAP to Dirk Ahner, Director-General for Regional Policy.
Marek Kowalski, representative of the Marshall's Office of the Lubelskie Voivodship (the Managing Authority of the HerO partner city Lublin) presents the Local Action Plan to Director-General Dirk Ahner.
The other HerO cities Graz, Naples, Vilnius, Liverpool, Poitiers and Valletta had the chance to present their LAPs during the network's Final Conference in Regensburg in April 2011 to Władysław Piskorz, Head of Unit Urban Development and Territorial Cohesion at the EC's Directorate General for Regional Policy.
Gerhard Ablasser from the City of Graz presents the Local Action Plan to Wladyslaw Piskorz at the HerO Final Conference in Regensburg (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
John Hinchliffe, World Heritage Officer of Liverpool, presents Liverpool's rich cultural heritage to the conference participants (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
Malcolm Kennedy, Councillor for Regeneration at Liverpool City Council, hands over the Local Action Plan to Wladyslaw Piskorz (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
Gaetano Mollura (City of Naples) presents local challenges and approaches during the HerO Final Conference in Regensburg (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
Pasquale Belfiore, Councillor of Naples, hands over the Local Action Plan to Wladyslaw Piskorz (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
Anne Pignon (City of Poitiers) presents Poitiers local activities to the audience during the HerO Final Conference (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
The Deputy Mayor of Poitiers, Jean-Marie Compte, presents Poitiers' Local Action Plan to Wladyslaw Piskorz from the European Commission (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
Gediminas Rutkauskas (Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency) presents Vilnius' approaches at the HerO Final Conference (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
Arturas Blotnys, the Director of the Urban Development Department at Vilnius City Municipality, hands over Vilnius' Local Action Plan to Wladyslaw Piskorz (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
The HerO partners' Local Action Plans as well as the network's 'List of Flagship Projects' are available for download in the section 'Our Outputs'.
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