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CTUR Naples activities

Edited on

17 February 2011
Read time: 1 minute

The URBACT Napoli citynews is now available in Local Language!

We have also activated a web-page into the Comune di Napoli website, in the section:

Comune di Napoli/ Cooperazione territoriale e sviluppo urbano integrato delle città

The URBACT Napoli citynews  is a special issue of CTUR citynews, written in the local language to disseminate the activities of our Local Support Group. It will be a useful instrument for citizens and local administrators and private investors to develop knowledge on our projects and in general on URBACT activities, aims and objectives on local ground.

PDF icon Download URBACT_-_citynews_A3_web.pdf (9.67 MB)  / PDF icon Download n. 1/2011 Urbact Napoli citynews issue IT (9.67 MB) / PDF icon Download URBACT_-_citynews_A4.pdf (9.67 MB)

Our web-page in Italian language contains information about the URBACT Programme and the Projects in which the city of Naples is involved (CTUR and also HerO) and on our LSG contacts, activities and on our LAP.

Comune di Napoli/ Cooperazione territoriale e sviluppo urbano integrato delle città