The «Arcos» School Complex in Óbidos (PT) is considered - by Centre for Learning Environments of OECD - a model school in the world
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04 November 2010The «Arcos» School Complex, in Óbidos, was considered, in Paris, (November, 4th) as an exemplary school by the Centre for Effective Learning Environments – CELE), structure of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).

This school - opened in September 2008 - will be included in the 4th Compendium of Exemplary Educational Facilities.
The International Jury, composed of six architecture experts, with a large experience in Education, chose, amongst others, The «Arcos» School Complex from 166 applications, of 33 countries. The Compendium will be introduced at the highest level, at a Conference to be held in Paris, on the 29th and 30th of September, 2011.
The 4th Compendium will focus all training cycles and will approach the way design and building management contribute to the quality of Education. The buildings will have to demonstrate their excellence in one or more areas: innovation and design, fitness for purpose, sustainability and security.
According to the CELE, «The 4º Compendium will be a strong publication and will show the design in what concerns educational facilities, presenting new ideas to educators, architects and politicians, worldwide».
For Telmo Faria, Mayor of the Town Hall of Óbidos, «it is an enormous prestige, regarding the work that is being carried out in Ó figure amongst the best schools in the world». According to the Mayor, «Óbidos rises to a level of international recognition, by an institution such as the OECD», and considers it to be, simultaneously, «a reminder to what we are doing».
Claudio Sat, author of the project, admits that «it is a great satisfaction» to have the «Arcos» School Complex be considered as an example. «When we started off with this project, our idea was to innovate, to bring forward a new educational, recreational and sports typology», explains the architect.
Reference to 2 other School Complexes that opened this year in Óbidos – Alvito and Furadouro - with identical typology as the «Arcos» one.
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