Space4People reader on stakeholder needs when installing pedestrian zones
Edited on
25 August 2022This reader discusses pedestrian zones and the role of some main stakeholder groups in installing or extending one. It is written for people of municipal administrations who want to create pedestrianised spaces to deliver high-quality urban environments. And who want to get an idea on the needs and concerns of stakeholders and how to meet these.

The reader gives a short introduction to pedestrian zones and then addresses the target groups of political decision makers, traffic users, visitors, residents, retail and gastronomy, and business in pedestrianisation projects. It does not cover all relevant target groups as such but concentrates on the ones that were of concern to the work of our cities in Space4People. Addressed needs and options to take are not exhaustive but showcase the experiences we had and the thematical input we saw during our 2-year journey.
We believe that the reader is giving good advice and hints for using pedestrian zones to “upscale” how public space is used. And how to meet the needs and concerns of stakeholder groups that take decisive impact on if a pedestrian zone is installed at all and on if they are a success story or not.
We hope that the reader is useful to you for your work with pedestrianisation projects.
Your Space4People team
Please click HERE for the reader!
Submitted by Claus Kollinger on