USE-IT Roadshow is nearly here
Edited on
11 June 2022This coming week sees another momentous occasion in the USE-IT TN calendar. It’s the week that we say hello to the USE-IT Roadshow.

The Roadshow has taken many weeks of planning and lots of patience from everyone - as we’ve not been able to travel during the pandemic. Hopefully this week though, with all going to plan (we’re keeping our fingers crossed), the Birmingham Team will be visiting Rotterdam in the Netherlands and Poznan in Poland.
Our colleagues in Trapani were also due to be on the itinerary, but the logistics of travelling to the very tip of southern Europe would have been too much in one visit. That’s one to consider for the weeks ahead!
There's a full schedule of workshops, meetings and visits planned, but it should be a fantastic experience for everyone – being immersed in each host city. Even with the best efforts in the world, that’s something you just can’t do online. While we made Zoom work for us during the height of the pandemic, you just can’t get a real feel for a neighbourhood and really appreciate the great work people are doing through a screen. It just doesn't work in quite the same way.
As Lead Partner, Birmingham is also looking to return this enormous gesture and invite our friends from partner cities to come and visit us. We’ll equally have a full schedule of events planned – hopefully later in the summer. In the meantime, there will be lots to think about, not least the popularity of Fish & Chips and Balti – which one to choose?
It’s going to be a busy time, so we will keep you updated on what’s happening – and we’ll be bringing all that knowledge and expertise from all the cities back to Birmingham.
There's lots more on this to follow, with the roadshow, and lots to report on from great events closer to home here in Birmingham.
Submitted by James Carless on