SDG Story: Trim
Edited on
01 April 2022Setting the Scene

Trim is a heritage town located within easy reach of the capital Dublin. It has over 5 000 years of history, with the famous Trim Castle dating back to the 12th century, which is well known from featuring in the popular film Braveheart.
This is a vision of Trim in 2050, a vision that the local people have driven through the ULG.
Trim – A Place for the People
Trim is a town with a strong ethos of inclusivity and partnership, where diversity is respected, and global citizenship welcomed. People work together to create inclusive, people orientated spaces
It is a place with a multitude of neighbourhood places where people can meet, make, play, eat, grow, share and reflect. A town that is people centric, not car centric. A place were all cultures and ethnicities feel welcomed. Hunger and poverty are not an issue and all men and women, in particular the poor and vulnerable have equal rights to economic resources.
Full and productive employment and decent work for all men and women including young persons and people with disabilities and equal pay for all has been achieved in County Meath. Access to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services is ensured. Equal opportunity and reduced inequalities of income are achieved. Effective, accountable and inclusive institutions function at all levels and community and citizen participation is high.
Trim – A Safe, Equitable & Thriving Place to Live
Trim is a safe and peaceful place to live. Businesses are thriving and have become sustainable. Produce and products are locally sourced where possible. Every person in Trim has received education on sustainable development, inclusivity, diversity and being an active global citizen. Education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide a safe and inclusive learning environments for all are built or upgraded.
Safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems are provided. Incidents of crime and violence have been reduced and people feel Trim is a safe town to live, and there is respect between all residents and tourists alike. Poverty has been eradicated from the town and sustainable economic growth has been achieved. A strong community ethos and openness in Trim has led to strong community engagement in the policies of the town and also international partnerships.
Trim – A Sustainable, Environmentally Friendly Town
Trim has transitioned a fully decarbonised town run on renewable energy; energy that is affordable for all. The work of the Trim SEC has pushed forward the retrofitting of houses within the town, and the energy master plan has seen the town becoming a leading centre for sustainable energy within Meath. Net zero Green House Gas emissions has been achieved. Capacity and knowledge on all aspects of climate change has been improved.
The River Boyne maintains excellent water quality standards, the town and environs are litter and waste free and nurture biodiversity. The air is cleaner, biodiversity has increased. The town is quieter with less cars on the roads, and those that remain are fully electric. Active travel has been widely adopted throughout the town, improving the health and wellbeing of the residents.
ULG Shopping List Vision
ULG Youth Shopping List Vision
Submitted by Karin Luhaäär on