Call for expertise : TechPlace capacity-building support
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25 April 2022URBACT is looking for a service provider to support its capacity-building activities related to digital transition for sustainable urban development.
As preparations for URBACT IV (2022-2027) are ongoing, URBACT is committed to improving the awareness and inclusion of digital transition, alongside other cross-cutting considerations such as gender and environment, in the working methods of all URBACT actors. Under URBACT III, the knowledge-sharing project TechPlace was designed as a space for anyone interested in tech and digital for social good in cities. It brings together a community of like-minded people, from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, and connects them with examples of digital city successes and good practices. It appeals to cities of all sizes, including smaller cities that are well represented in URBACT networks. This tender focuses on the Capacity-Building element under the TechPlace project.
URBACT is looking for a team of up to 3 people to deliver the following tasks:
- Mapping of existing training and funding resources in the field of digital transitions
- Designing a training curriculum to support cities to adopt a digital perspective into the design and implementation of urban policies
- Piloting, reviewing & evaluating training modules, during in-person and/or online training sessions
The terms of reference for this call are available here.
Applications must be sent via e-mail to the following URBACT Secretariat staff members: Clémentine GRAVIER, Alice FAUVEL and Thierry PICQUART.
Deadline to apply: 30 March 2022 18.00 (CET)
Submitted by URBACT on