Seven Summer Browsings for City Enthusiasts
Edited on
26 August 2021Find out more about URBACT Transfer Networks and take action on the most pressing urban challenges.

The Making Spend Matter Transfer Network explores how to use spend analysis as an evidence tool to enhance the impact of procurement by public/anchor institutions in order to bring additional economic, social and environmental benefits. The spend analysis is the first step of the procurement cycle and the first module of the URBACT Online Course on Strategic Procurement designed to help equip cities with the knowledge and tools to progress strategic procurement.
2. Transition towards more sustainable food systems
BioCanteens, BeePathNet and RU:rban are three Transfer Networks among the eight networks (representing about 50 cities) that URBACT supported on the topics of food and urban agriculture. The URBACT Knowledge Hub gives you all the ingredients to take action on food in response to the climate emergency in the areas of policymaking, food production, distribution, transformation, jobs and skills, community and solidarity.
3. Start the digital revolution
Tech Revolution brings together six cities in Europe to share ideas and practices and benchmark them against other EU cities to inform the development of an 'ecosystem' needed to encourage digital growth, and transformational economies. They developed an interactive guide to start the revolution available on the TechPlace platform.
Rumourless Cities aimed to counter growing negative attitudes towards a cross-section of groups in society, which includes long-established migrants, Roma, recently arrived refugees, LGBTI people, and general homophobic stereotyping.
BluAct brought together seven European port cities aiming to share good practices in Blue Economy entrepreneurship. The project follows the success of Piraeus’ Blue Growth Initiative, an entrepreneurship competition that offers incubation services to local businesses boosting innovation and job creation. Don't miss their documentary and more resources available on their online platform!
6. Innovate education practices
ON BOARD aimed to help local governments build new partnerships in order to co-create policies that would empower younger people with the necessary skills to become active & engaged citizens, able to face the challenges of new societies.
ALT/BAU focused on alternative strategies in central and historic districts of European cities to activate unused and decaying housing stock resulting from demographic, economic and social change. This micro-site gathers publications, videos and more resources.
This article is part of a series to accompany you during your holiday! URBACT also gives you recommendations about readings and podcasts.
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