The bees – equal city residents of Ljubljana
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24 June 2021The beekeeping tradition in Ljubljana and its outskirts dates back to the time of first prehistoric settlements. A bee and a beehive are on the oldest door sign in the city at the City Savings Bank (Mestna hranilnica) on Čop Street. As many as 3% of all Slovenian beekeepers with over 4500 beehives are active in the area of the City of Ljubljana and urban beekeeping is now flourishing in Ljubljana.

2020 might have been a year full of uncertainty and changes but Ljubljana made sure to adapt and use the changes for the better. For Ljubljana one of the outcomes in 2020 was the establishment of the Selling point or as we named it – The Centre of Culture of Living. ULG group in Ljubljana will continue to work as it already works, but it will also make the next step and start focusing on eight topics on the principles of group project work. The City of Ljubljana will still be present as an active coordinator for a bit longer, but the final goal is to have an independent organism that will take care for itself. In the survey from the spring of 2020, we found that bees are equal city residents. Nevertheless, Ljubljana adopted Long-term BEE PATH Development Vision and Urban Beekeeping Action Plan.
Read more about them here:
Visit the city Bee Path:
Submitted by v.erhart on