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Live the Etruscan Spirit of Perugia, the city of freedom and peace

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02 June 2021
Read time: 3 minutes

The Municipality of Perugia, with the great collaboration of the Fine Arts Academy of Perugia (ABA), is working on the launch of its communication campaign starting from the concept of the Etruscan Spirit which has featured history’s centuries, becoming a lifestyle and a thinking mood for all citizens.

Now, it’s time for Perugia to share its heritage with the world and become the worldwide capital of peace and freedom.

The project, financed by the European URBACT III Programme, is called Find Your Greatness (FYG), and the challenge addressed by the network is how to communicate the potential of the city in terms of attractiveness for citizens, stakeholders, tourists and investors.

Perugia, thanks to the communication expert Marco Tortoioli and students of the Brand Design master course of the Fine Arts Academy, seems to have found its “greatness”: the city is renowned worldwide for many reasons (Art, Culture, Food, Chocolate, Jazz among others), but is there any chance people would really come over just to see 3000 years old stones of Etruscan walls?

Perugia, with its 7 km, is the city with the longest and better persevered Etruscan walls among the many Italian Etruscan cities. However, what makes this city truly unique is that this heritage is felt as a connection monument instead of just an ancient defense symbol. 

In the many centuries of history, the walls have been the setting for many historical events and prominent personalities: just think of Gerardo Dottori, a futurist painter, Aldo Capitini, an intellectual and pacifist personality, Sandro Penna, a famous poet of the twentieth century, etc. These characters, just to name a few, with their personal histories and life experiences, have witnessed worldwide a kind of cultural and artistic independence and make Perugia known as the capital of peace and freedom.

The story of the city is also full of moments when people had fight to remain free from any domain. Think of the Salt War of 1540, started from an insurrection by Perugian citizens against the Papal States during the pontificate of Pope Paul III. Perugia had been a free commune until 1370, when it was de jure incorporated into the Papal States, but the elite of the city wanted to maintain its privileges, including the freedom from paying any taxes on salt, then an important product for preserving food. Legend has it that as part of the popular protest against this papal tax, Perugians stopped putting salt in their bread (unsalted bread is the norm to this day).

The goal that the Municipality of Perugia set today through “Find Your Greatness” project is to promote this unexpected reputation of the city worldwide, and make the “Etruscan Spirit” the guiding lighthouse for all the people who want to be free to express their selves.

In the next weeks will be launched the communication campaign created by the Academy Of Fine Arts, and will be organized a series of events and meetings, which will last until the end of summer. All these initiatives are finalized to attract tourists and investors to the city, and elaborate a final brand that will be recognized worldwide.

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