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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My experience of more than 6 years at the City of Issy-les-Moulineaux (Paris, France), in the domain of EU projects (CIP, H2020 and Interreg NWE) and Smart City helped me to develop an important set of knowledge and know-how around the needs and encountered bottlenecks of Cities (and public authorities) in the definition of living lab projects, particularly at transnational and transborder level. I have a deep knowledge about the various cities initiatives in Europe and to be particularly adapted to support Cities to organize and to deploy exchanges of good practices and to support them to do so. I have been involved in projects in various themes related the URBACT work programmes, particularly on digital transformation (data, citizens’ participation, AI), co-creation of policies with stakeholders (culture, 5G, mobility) and sustainability (waste, smart grids). I have also a great knowledge of R&D in general, due to experiences in academia and IPR, and I adapted this knowledge to Cities. I set up a collaboration with “Major Cities of Europe”, a European non-profit association which promotes the development of new services. It facilitates exchanges of good practices and ideas between cities. This collaboration helps me to be the privileged contact of many municipalities and to collaborate daily with them, also to collect and to help to solve their daily problems in designing their local policies and to set transnational cooperation with other Cities.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I graduated in International Political Sciences in Turin (Italy), with a specialization in European Union economics, and more particularly on the role of the EU funding in the development on peripheral countries. I have a good knowledge on various methodologies to support the exchange of good practices, from the more “classical”, like conferences, events or surveys, to more innovative, such as interactive webinars, workshops and/or focus groups. In this context, I have been working to define new evaluation strategies and tools, mainly based on data and artificial intelligence to improve the existing ones. During my experience in Issy-les-Moulineaux, I managed and developed the relations of the City in the field of the smart and digital services, in particular the exchange of good practices with other cities, in bilateral relations and/or in the framework of French, European and international organizations (OASC, ENOLL, Major Cities of Europe). In this framework, I support the non-profit organization Major Cities of Europe ( to help its Cities to create and/or join consortia of EU projects and to enhance the networking and dissemination capabilities of the MCE network of European Local Governments. In this framework, I support the animation and exchange of good practices between Cities.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I graduated in High School in the United States (1996, Sun Valley High School, Aston, Pennsylvania) with an Honor Society mention. Later, I have done international studies in Turin (Italy), followed by about 15 years of experience in International environments, about 10 of them in EU projects. I have written various publication and other similar documents (deliverables, reports…) in English during the management of the 14 European projects of my career. Some recent examples are 7 deliverables in the framework of the PoliVisu project (example here: and 2 in IoRL. I also write some articles in English on my blog or social media, an example is here: Moreover, I made various presentations in European events (Smart City Expo, INTERGEO…) and moderated workshops in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have worked in various EU projects focused on pilot projects in cities, actively working in conceiving and deploying new services with living lab techniques, such as IT Form, and exchanging on the results with other cities and public authorities. In this framework, I have also led the pilot activities and evaluation in the PoliVisu project. I have a good knowledge on various methodologies to support the exchange of good practices, from the more “classical”, like conferences, events or surveys, to more innovative, such as interactive webinars, workshops and/or focus groups. In this context, I have been working to define new evaluation strategies and tools, mainly based on data and artificial intelligence to improve the existing ones. During this experience, I managed and developed the relations of a City in the field of the smart and digital services, in particular the exchange of good practices with other cities, in bilateral relations and/or in the framework of French, European and international organizations (Open and Agile Smart Cities, European Network of Living Labs, Major Cities of Europe, les Interconnectés, la Fabrique des mobilités).

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I worked for more than 6 years for a City in France, Issy-les-Moulineaux, to manage and develop the City participation at EU and international level, with a particular interest on Digital Innovation in Smart Cities. During this experience, I managed and developed the relations of the City in the field of the smart and digital services, in particular the exchange of good practices with other cities, in bilateral relations and/or in the framework of European organizations. I worked in various EU projects focused on pilot projects in cities, actively working in conceiving and deploying new services with living lab techniques and exchanging on the results with other cities. I have a good knowledge on various methodologies to support the exchange of good practices, from conferences, events or surveys to interactive webinars, workshops and/or focus groups. In this context, I have been working to define new evaluation strategies and tools, mainly based on data and AI to improve the existing ones. About the main field in which I developed this knowledge, I have been involved in projects in various themes related the URBACT III work programs, particularly on digital transformation and co-creation of policies with stakeholders. I also had an active role in the Issy-les-Moulineaux definition of solutions to tackle the 2020 COVID-19 crisis of the first lockdown.
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
During my experience in a City, being one of the most important priority related to mobility, I worked in various EU projects focused on pilot projects in cities, actively working in conceiving and deploying new services with living lab techniques and exchanging on the results with other cities. In particular, I designed and deployed pilot experiences related to the use of data to improve the behavioural change and to support citizens to have all the necessary information to adopt new solutions. I worked on many EU (OTN, ECIM, PoliVisu, FCCP) projects, but also local ones (involving big local companies) like SIMUT or So Mobility, to test a driverless shuttle, to deploy and to test IoT sensors (parking and traffic) and to define strategies to improve carpooling adoption of the local commuters. Lately, I created a dashboard, with a local start-up, to follow the data of car and bikes traffic around Issy-les-Moulineaux ( In this field, I also supported the city to work on

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I have been working on local policies and the design and deployment of methods and tools for the digital transformation for more than 6 years. Some examples of projects on which I worked are: - Waste management is a real challenge today and it is extremely related to the good behaviours of the population, at the same time, it is really complicated for citizens to follow all the different rules. I led, also with the support of the specialist WEDODATA, this project to make the various datasets in open data to make them useful for the population, thus making easy to gather information about the various types of waste. - Local authorities with more than 3,500 inhabitants have an obligation to publish, in an open and usable format, their main administrative documents as well as all documents of economic, social, health or environmental interest. The uniqueness of Issy's approach lies in the desire to democratize open data. Indeed, as they stand, the "raw" files are unreadable to most non-specialists. In 2019, the portal homepage and structure didn’t allow the users to fully appreciate the data. I restructured it, giving a particular attention to data visualizations, making it more visual.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
Due to COVID-19, in the late spring 2020, Issy-les-Moulineaux, as many other Cities, started to work on a bike plan to increase the use of those, being public transportation clearly hit by the situation. Particularly, following the post-lockdown of COVID, Issy started following the data on use of bikes to compare it to car traffic. This helped to understand if new policies in place due to COVID are helping to change behaviors of users: I have designed and created this project which led also to other later results, such as a dashboard in open data which offers a synthetic view of the main key indicators of the territory by covering almost all the services with several visualizations for each of them. Nearly a dozen categories are listed on this dashboard, including administrative procedures, finances and the environment.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I’m a freelance consultant specialized in Smart Cities and EU Affairs, I follow actively various networks related to sustainable urban development and Smart Cities and I’m a collaborator of Major Cities of Europe as EU projects Evangelist to increase the participation of its members to EU funding programs. I have a high knowledge of the various priorities and sustainable goals set at EU and UN level and the related status of deployment at EU level. Moreover, I have an important knowledge of the various policies and initiatives in this domain in France and Italy, but I have also daily contacts with many decision makers all over Europe (Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Austria, Germany…), which makes me have regular information.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
I have worked in a City in about 11 EU pilot-based projects, thus I have many examples of adaptations of tools at local level. In particular, through the participation to various projects, I have supported the City of Issy-les-Moulineaux to improve its Open data strategy. When I started to work in Issy, the city didn’t have an open data portal. The various experiences of the projects were introduced, time by time, in the City strategy: - Citadel on the move allowed to detect the importance of a dedicated portal with some maps. Then the City adopted its own portal - ECIM made possible to understand the importance of the quality of data, this made possible to improve the data quality - OTN showed the importance of having some data visualizations - PoliVisu showed how also “complicated” data needs to be exploited and showed in an easy way In this process, I have worked to define needs and priorities in the various projects and to link them to the City, making sure that decision and policy makers might have in mind the right priorities to develop
Summary Expertise: 
I am today a freelance consultant specialized in Smart Cities and EU Affairs (H2020, Interreg). I worked for over 6 years at the City of Issy-les-Moulineaux (Paris, France) to manage and to develop the City participation at EU and international level, with a particular interest on Digital Innovation in Smart Cities. I have a deep knowledge on pilot projects for the digital transformation of Cities and, particularly, a deep knowledge of (open) data use for policy making and smart mobility solutions. I have worked on how to make data more useful and understandable for the citizens and the city's stakeholders. ​ Overall, I participated in the management of 14 European projects (CIP, VI and VII Framework Program, Horizon 2020 and Interreg) and I collaborated in the drafting of about 20 proposals (6 funded). ​I am also a selected expert of the European Commission Lately, I started a collaboration with Major Cities of Europe as EU projects Evangelist to increase the participation of its members to EU funding programs.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise