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Esplugues de Llobregat publishes a guide to use games to raise environmental awareness

Edited on

20 November 2020
Read time: 1 minute

The students from four high schools in Esplugues designed and created 19 games about nature and sustainability

Esplugues de Llobregat - a guide to use games to raise environmental awareness

Playful Paradigm turns into a guide to read and… to play!

The 19 games about nature and sustainability that you will discover in this guide have been designed and created by the students from four high schools in Esplugues: La Mallola, Severo Ochoa, Joanot Martorell and Joaquim Blume, who this year have participated in the project “Audiència Jove”.

"This project brought together several special circumstances." says Pilar Díaz, Mayor of Esplugues "Our city is networking with 7 other cities to develop the Playful Paradigm project, sharing good practices that use the game as a tool to solve urban problems related to inclusion, cohesion, healthy habits or the sustainability of the planet. The group of the Audiència Jove of this edition is part, precisely, of a generation that calls for urgent measures to protect the environment and biodiversity."

Game is used as a tool to raise awareness among people on two very important issues: environmental sustainability and biodiversity.

Esplugues de Llobregat - a guide to use games to raise environmental awarenessThe guide is in Catalan and it’s really worth reading!

So… choose your favourite online translator!