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Newsletter nr. 7: The Power of Honey

Edited on

17 September 2020
Read time: 1 minute

Newsletter nr. 7: Learn about new products through the power of honey!

The main article is all about the power of honey and the importance it has in the local and global economy. Honeybees and their products can be a source of very diverse opportunity for new products and services. From honey ice-cream and special varieties of mead to apitourism to the use in medicine. Learn all about all the possible uses in products. There are also some theme related researches and you can learn a thing or two about bees in the section Amazing facts; not to mention our BeePathNet buzzzing – what has happened and what is to come in the following months. This issue was in the hands of Amarante (Portugal).

With this newsletter, we conclude our series of theme dedicated newsletters (Biodiversity, Education, Awareness raising, Tourism and World Bee Day and New products). You can find all translated in 7 languages HERE.



The newsletter is available in English and all 6 partner languages:

English, Ελληνικά, Magyar, Italiano, Polski, Português, Slovenščina

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