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Corina Hanrahan


Corina Hanrahan

Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
An expert in strategic innovation, consumer behaviour, new media and economic development. With a first class honours degree in business, majoring in commercial law and management from University College Cork and post graduate diploma utilizing spiral innovation modelling focused on addressing citizen/customer pain points, MSc in TechInnovation from NUI Galway as well as accredited specialist courses in Digital Marketing, Educational design and delivery, Design Thinking and Executive Leadership. 10 years in start-up supports, social inclusion, rural development, funding applications and course design (and iteration) citizen engagement. and new media strategies including Irelands digital newspaper, social media campaigns 2010 set up of National EcoForum development, a think tank of thematic experts to address climate The last 6 years have been in Digital Hub development and role out having been in both of Ireland Digital Innovative hubs since inception. Spiral Innovation modelling based on MITs best practice in paper modelling innovative solutions based on needs assessment, and social science approach with personas to co-create solutions. Development of national digital skills programme, digital and social media marketing utilizing contemporary digital tools and behavioural congruence, and award winning Kidpreneur programme. Smart (sustainable) Limerick marketing lead, managing communications strategy, trust building and Citizens Observatory - H2020 CityxChange
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Intereg MMIAH Maritime Heritage and promoting these cities on the edge of the Atlantic,, -communications, and legacy film. CityxChange; Europes Lighthouse city for a Smart Sustainable city- Communications manager (Smart Limerick), Citizen led Open Innovation(1st Call initiated) -project lead, method for engaging citizens in identifying and solving urban challenges Irelands 1st Citizens Observatory - design and development of systems that allow for citizens to record observations in a two way communications model to promote engagement and foster innovation in addressing climate change. Urbact Find your Greatness -Limerick lead- All Irelands Smart Cities Forum, National Public Sector Innovation Forum, Digital Inclusion Forum - Co-Lead and Researcher My most recent understanding and exchange and learning has been during Covid 19, with the development of 6 thematic pillars, (cross sectoral public private partnership) and the digitising of design thinking workshops to promote blue skies thinking and a solution based approach to innovative regional development. CEOs and leaders normally unavailable had time to engage in the creation on a new regional development focused on smart tools and sustainability. Synergies across these themes, scoping documents and a vision for the future were developed. The urban metropolis and its hinterlands require a cohesive approach to promote regional development and enhance foreign direct investment - Model being scaled and replicated
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Mother tongue Extensive experience writing white papers, academic journals, applications, project proposals and review papers as well as research.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Studying Spiral innovation and Disciplined entrepreneurship post graduate aligned with my my primary degree in law and business gave me an excellent foundational understanding of the requirement for pain based assessment and creation of services to meet contemporary needs. I've spent over 10 years working in local and regional government in the field of sustainable economic development within regions and cities. Topics range from developing new funding routes, ensuring the provision of infrastructure to promote social and economic development, supporting the development growth & innovation of indigenous SMEs across sectors, the importance of place making , place branding, culture & creativity as drivers of economic growth, destination marketing, inclusivity, cluster support & development. Mapping resources and implementing projects in an inclusive, effective, sustainable and participative manner. Smart City development inline with citizen needs, based on the end user and considering the barriers that exist for some cohorts to engage to deliver equity and ensure none is left behind. Developing new media two may methods of communication - congruent with peoples need for real time, responsive communication on digital platforms, to generate trust between city governance structures and individuals -required to cocreate frameworks and change behaviour ( baseline and steps SMART involved) These Models will require iteration as needs evolve.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Bachelor of Commerce majored in Commercial Law, Marketing and Management, Social media marketing and Law, Post Grad in Disciplined Entrepreneurship and MA in Tech Innovation, specialty fellowship courses in Educational Design and Delivery, leadership and Design Thinking. Thought leadership in Innovation design, digital marketing and education methodologies. Spiral Innovation modelling of needs based solutions. Creating solutions that are fit for purpose, based on the needs of the user and utilizing the resources available to saturate the target segment and springboard to the next segment. No expensive prototypes, this paper models the solution with personas developed from the user profiles. A two way communications model allows for trust building and open dialogue around the use of the solution and further allows for the target segment to co-create solutions. This is an iterative process and requires creative design thinking, setting the spec in conjunction with the user, and iterating the design. With feedback loops to ensure that knowledge is captures as the solution is modified to meet changing needs. Digital marketing, utilizing of contemporary digital tools- digital dashboards with content generators and schedulers, social media linkages mapping avatars and studying behavior in new media. Extensive Digitizing of services based on the end user needs. Simplification of processes and interface to deliver customer service.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
My point development of a digital system that allows citizens to register their point of view. Developed this to rool out CityXChanges first Community Led Open Call for Innovation –created a matchmaking event to put together teams of community groups to cocreate solutions that were sustainable and renewable energy focused int eh DPEB. This required building a funding route from H2020 money that could be delivered as grant aid to community groups. Having them submit digitally, working with them on constraints like insurance in public spaces for innovative ( previously unused – non standardized) solutions, creating a steering group in the council )cross sectoral) to support the innovations, build a digital marketing campaign( everything was complicated due to Covid) that fostered trust and citizen led innovation. 2. The communciations model for this Smart city requires understanding of who is not digitally capable, and hense the previously mentioned Digital Inclusion research to understand barriers to entry and the buyin from different sectors
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
Stretgic KPIs developed to understand the reach and the sentiment in the response to project development. Creating a baselined using organic reach, testing timing and paid click bait, monitoring the engagement using dashboard and evaluating the responses of city avatars, digital influencers, and citizens. This use of data has allowed for fine tuning of communications effot and develoepemnt of content that is appropriate and of value. Using census data to map the Small Areas (90 to 150 households- negates any issue with GDPR) and develop specific communications based on geographical and behavioral segments. This si an ongoing and iterative process but having automated the process the data is giving relevant results.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I am part of the EU projects team, a cross functional team working across many organisations in Limerick, sit on the National Innovation Forum where we share resourses, we have mapped the funding being delivered in Engaland so that post Brexut we can maximize on potential funding routes and the design think workshops and digital inclusion forum we again share possible routes to funding and discuss current projects so as not to counter . I am currenty designing project book of all current EU projects in the region.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Digital Hub Design, looking at clustering of hubs and the eco system of stattups required. So as to not displace current businesses while supporting local requirement and development. Developing an online trading platform for a multitude of local businesses that have various needs and capabilities in marketing, digital skills, and automation of stock. This required training and educating a varied cohort on now online trading works, giving them the skills to be able to update information on offers, stock photos, bundling of product for postage etc. The use of a split widget allowed for the platform to take a segment of the payment that allowed for the cost associated to be met in part. It was very difficult to keep the group consistent in there updating of information on the site. Design of the Digital Skills offering, farmers, SMEs, older cohorts of people, and online banking needs varied across segments and creating consistency in the delivery of training was difficult. Detailed reports for Teagus, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Communications allowed for After Action Reviews and this was built into the feedback loops In the Kidpreneur programs (like all learning programs) I developed a differentiated learning plan... research defined the quantity of new information given in particular timeframes and methods of determining that the information was being understood, sensitized and utilized. For Adult learning the analogies and terminology
Summary Expertise: 
Use of digital platforms like MyPoint – to allow fro public participation on policy development, feedback on proposed planning and applications for Open Innovation Calls, where citizens co-create the Urban Realm with city planners, the local authority and community groups. Digital leaders made up of a multiplicity of different stakeholders come together and discuss policy, planning and community needs which is feed into place making. A separate group on a Digital Inclusion forum consider the needs of those that may have been previously left out or not engaged with Smart city development. Research on the barriers to entry of these groups and methods to engage with them to ensure that their voices are heard is funded and incorporated into the communications methods. An open two way communication model has been developed to build trust and utilize social media and new media tools to ensure that people have adequate opportunity to become part of the conversation. Community groups funded through public funding routes and supported by mutli functional steering groups to support innovation and collaborative approaches to solution design, tested in real time with the communities allows for proper understanding of the how, what, where, when and why of solutions. Using After Action reviews and written reports on how the KPIs are me, the sentiment of the engagement as well as the reach.


Residence location:
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise