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Smart Public Procurement

The Guide on SMART PUBLIC PROCUREMENT explores the key challenges to implementation of public procurement frameworks and how these challenges can be, and are being, overcome by cities across Europe.

Whilst a growing number of Member States, Regions and cities are developing Strategies and Action Plans around public procurement, examples of effective implementation are rare. This is largely due to the complexity of the theme of public procurement, and the significant amount of time it takes to realise change in public procurement processes, practices, and cultures.

Who is this guide for?

How does it work?

Any city practitioner aiming to implement innovative public procurement.

The guide is divided in two parts:

  • The first one focusing on the challenge itself of implementating smart pubmic procurement;
  • The second one presenting practical tools and methods to deal with this challenge locally.


Go further by watching the video below

Here are practical examples to illustrate the concepts:

Preston Solution StoryImplementation of Public Procurement Action
City Case 1ALMELO, Netherlands
City Case 2CANDELARIA, Spain
City Case 3KOPRIVNICA, Croatia
City Case 4PRAGUE, Czech Republic
City Case 5KOSZALIN, Poland


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