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Lille Metropole welcomed com.unity.lab partners

Edited on

02 March 2020
Read time: 2 minutes

On November 5th and 6th 2019, Lille Metropole received all the cities partners of Com.Unity.Lab’s project which is a project co-funded under the URBACT european program.

This two days meeting focused on social economy. All the participants were able to discover three projects that apply social economy in a concrete way in Lille : "la Coopérative Baraka" at Roubaix, "la Maison Stéphane Hessel at Lille and "l’Accorderie" at Lille Fives.


Day 1 – La Coopérative Baraka

The first day of the meeting was held at the Cooperative Baraka, a unique place in Roubaix which gather a social inclusion program, an urban farm as well as meeting rooms and a restaurant. The morning was devoted to the presentation of urban policy in the Lille Metropole. Lille’s team told the story of the city marked by a rich industrial past which experienced a serious crisis in 1970-1980’s.

We also covered the functioning of urban policy in France and its application in Lille Metropole’s territory. Then, a presentation of social economy, linked with urban policy, was explained.

The afternoon was an opportunity to reflect on the concept of social economy and to review the project’s progress halfway through its realization. Participants were able to discuss the Com.Unity.lab project’s development specifically in relation to their expectations.

After this day of hard work, it was time to visit the Accorderie, a NGO which helps exchange of services between the inhabitants and then to discover the beautiful city of Lille !


Day 2

On the second day, we spent the morning at the social economy house "Stéphane Hessel" and the afternoon at Lille metropole headquarters. It allowed us to discuss various subjects such as project’s communication, next actions to be taken care of as well as any problems met by partners.

One of the highlights of the day was the political break during which Anne Voituriez, Vice President of Lille Metropole in charge of urban policy, and Denis Vinckier, regional councilor in charge of participation, wanted to welcome all of the Com.Unity.Lab’s partners.