Preparing for a better future in terms of organic-food in Vaslui, Romania
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20 December 2019Vaslui in Romania, has hosted this fall BioCanteens’ 5th transnational meeting. Starting with January 2019, the good practice of Mouans-Sartoux has become an example for this city and its adaptation and transfer has been an important goal for the local administration.

This meeting tackled “Food Sovereignity Vision”, an important transfer module for all the partners. The question of land use is less pressing for cities with large rural areas in their proximity, while the experience of Mouans-Sartoux shows that only forward looking urban planning that started 4 decades ago aimed at preserving the food production capacity of the territory. The “Food Sovereignty Vision” transfer module consisted therefore in a light but emblematic mapping exercise of good agricultural land still available around the cities and necessary to ensure the food sovereignty of the current and future population of each city. The output of this activity is a personalized poster for each partner, that will be digitally printed and placed in public spaces for dissemination and rising awareness in the food matter.
When unused and empty spaces become the centres of social inclusion:
The meeting gave the participants the opportunity to take a close look and better understand our integrated social assistance system, especially our day care centers for elderly people, in which the Social Canteen caters food every day (Urbact best practice awarded city), and the nurseries administrated by the city hall, each having their own kitchen, thus offering the possibility of introducing organic products in the daily menus.
Tackling the danger of big retailers in food supply for Vaslui inhabitants:
More important were the quantities of food needed over the years and the quality of our future food given the threat of big industrialized companies dominating the profile market. Visiting the Central Market, observing the special designated areas for producers and sellers, taking into consideration the proximity of big retailers in food industry highlighted the importance of people education in looking for the best offer and asking for better and healthier agricultural and dairy products. It also revealed people’s choice in buying local fruits and vegetables and served as a model for BioCanteens network partners in planning their future market areas.
Where to?
Another visit planned in the TNM agenda was to the Urban Garden recently built by the municipality through European funding. Its role is to unite elderly people in day care centers and children in kindergartens and primary schools in creating and caring for this area with multiple function.
This area was enough for Vaslui municipality to create here a DemOrganic farm that will work at start as a pedagogical resource centre for targeted groups, and with European or local funds will be “upgraded” by the Social Assistance Department for bio-production of fruits and vegetables which will be introduced in local nurseries.
Stefan Dudau, Vaslui project coordinator
Clitemnestra-Geanina Tofan, communication officer
Submitted by Nathan Begoc on