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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have 10 years’ experience focusing on urban development within various roles and positions through my academic and professional career. Genuinely enthusiastic and motivated working on the most urgent and complex problems of urban environments. I have conducted academic research, coordinated working groups within EU state-of-the-art collaborative projects (FP7, H2020, Interreg) for smart cities, climate change adaptation, liveability, nature-based solutions, resilience and circular economy. Currently, I am a consultant for cities’ innovation focusing on liveability, looking on nature-based solutions to improve on physical, mental and environmental health. Though my 2-years’ master I have specialised on sustainable urban development and I researched the many facets of cities receiving a solid knowledge on complexities and the need of integrated approaches.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Transnational cooperation is of considerable added value, especially to generate learnings, accelerate innovation and share good practices contributing to European cohesion. I've been involved in several EU transnational projects under FP7 and H2020 as work package and task leader. Also, I supported INTERREG planning authority in cross-border programmes promoting equal development, cohesion and equal growth across neighbouring countries. I have organised and facilitated workshops for developing new transnational initiatives for sustainable urban development and knowledge exchange programmes within H2020, INTERREG North West Europe, INTERREG North Sea Region and INTERREG 2 Seas involving public authorities, industry and knowledge organisations. I have developed skills for producing communication material for different audiences including general public, press releases, scientific research and articles for lay people. In 2018, I was a Pioneer in the programme “Pioneer into practice” within the Climate KIC programme. Thought this programme we have established a pan-European network of experts and ambassadors for climate change action, learning and supporting network that we often use for knowledge exchange and collaboration.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am an effective communicator in English, both written and spoken. Since 2010, my standard language of communication for work, education and personal life has been in English. I am in daily contact with people from all around the world, understanding different levels of English and accents. Both master’s degrees I acquired were delivered in English. I have facilitated and presented at international conferences, workshops, project meetings, official project reviews. I have also authored articles, reports and news items targeting both scientific audience and lay people. I have lived and worked in Scotland and the U.S.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My work related to environmental issues comprises of: Climate change adaptation, renewable energy systems, air quality, Liveable cities, sustainable mobility, circular economy and urban metabolism. I have acquired two master’s degrees specialised in Environment and environmental issues I worked extensively on topics related to climate change adaptation looking into cities and specific sectors and their adaptation capacity to heatwaves. I have coordinated EU collaborative proposals (H2020, Interreg) in topics of nature-based solutions and their role to improve health and well-being, air quality, circularity and innovative procurement. I have worked on the analysis of biking mobility in Mexico City providing recommendations on how to improve biking infrastructure and the biking culture in the city. I have been the work package leader of four FP7 and H2020 projects (CITI-SENSE, iURBAN, SymbIoTe, RADIO) in topics of smart cities’ (air quality, energy, IoT). Within this role I authored many deliverables and defined the strategy of the projects in terms of dissemination, communication, business development and exploitation.


Residence location:
Greek - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise