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Toulouse - a „Guinguette” for the revitalisation

Edited on

14 October 2019
Read time: 2 minutes

On the 3rd of October, a bal „Guinguette” was held on the site of Guillaumet, Toulouse. This bal was a milestone for the regeneration of this site. Indeed, it marks the end of the free access to the sports facilities and the beginning the destroy of some buildings.

This bal was open to all the citizens who have participated to the public consultation, and to the associations concerned.

During the bal, the private operator and Toulouse Metropole described the project and all the steps achieved: 6 public meetings, 4 workshops, 200 contributions and the motto of the projects defined. There is still much work to do, and it will continue to put in place different projects, and several workshops to work on different field such as biodiversity, social link, eco responsibility, mobility... 

This bal allowed to the meeting of all citizens and associations involved, and news ideas emerged during the evening... A new dynamic is going on!

The revitalisation through the eyes of children

Before the start of the destroy of the buildings, some street art artists drawn on its. The idea was to involved children on the memory of the site through pictures of this graffiti.

We suggest this activity to two animation centres for children:

- Children from 10 to 12

- Children from 8 to 10

Around 15 children participated in this activity and took pictures of the site. They discovered the history of the site, some objects, and have been very impressed by the size of the site.

Professional photographers took also pictures of it, and we will realise an exposition of the picture on the site.

This animation is part of the regeneration process, to involve all type of target.

It’s always difficult to target children, and to take into account their point of view, ideas... We discovered that children have been interested of the high size of the building, more than some architectural details.