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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Micciarelli is a practicing lawyer and a scholar working on the fields of political philosophy and legal sociology, also dealing with subjects related to constitutional law and economy. As a juridical consultant, he has participated in numerous experiences of civic activism. One of the central topics in Micciarelli´s research is “Urban Commons”. These ones are at the forefront of sustainable practices, because they have a generative character, instead of an extractive one, and thus produce civic profitability, i.e. a value that is not strictly pecuniary, but enriching in social and cultural terms. Moreover, self-organization through "commoning" is a way to manage shared resources, beyond the state and the market, without wasting them and preserving them for future generations, taking in consideration accountability and ecological challenges. Due to his work on the commons he has met more than 80 commoning experience in Italy, Europe and Latin America, and is in constant interlocution with administrations in numerous cities in Europe and beyond (Naples, Turin, Palermo, Reggio Emilia, Florence, Ferrara, Venice, Milan, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, A Coruña, Montevideo and others).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Throughout his career, Micciarelli has had the opportunity to work at different geographical scopes (local, regional, transnational) on issues related to urban sustainability, social and legal innovation, participation and governance. At a policy level - also in close collaboration with the Neapolitan municipality - he has exchanged experiences and reflections with different cities within Italy and abroad, mainly on the different possible governance models for urban spaces managed as commons. Indeed, he has been invited as a visiting expert in European cities (Barcelona, Madrid, A Coruña, Paris, Grenoble, Athens, etc.) and lately in Latin America (Montevideo and Lima). For example, he was an invited speaker at the 3rd edition of the “Culture and Citizenship Summit”, organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport of Spain and the Medialab Prado. Furthermore, Micciarelli also belongs to different international networks and initiatives where he has had the chance to strengthen his capabilities, skills, and knowledge in a two-way process. In such interactions, he tries to represent the vindications of local grassroots realities, by which he is recognized as a policy reference point. In this process, he has implemented and applied an interdisciplinary approach and a comparative methodology. Indeed, his studies show that many rules for collective properties have a common matrix in continental Europe, due to shared patterns of self-organization and self-government.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Micciarelli´s proficiency in English is demonstrated in his vast account of scientific production, conferences, and mentorship that he has carried out since his early career in Academia. He is able to effectively communicate in English with native and non-native speakers in different social and working contexts. As part of his Academic production, Micciarelli has been developing his research mainly in English and Italian, attending to many prestigious international conferences where he has presented and discussed his work. Moreover, throughout his professional and practical career has been involved in various initiatives and belongs to different transnational networks where English is the working language. He is particularly involved in different European and trans-continental activities were the working language (spoken and written) is English. Likewise, his proficiency in written English is proved in the production of project evaluation and progress reports, drafting of the chapter of books and working papers and editing of different publications, drafting of legal and thematic documents, as well as support visual material for conference presentations and proceedings, etc.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Micciarelli is a researcher specialized in integrated urban renewal towards democratic participatory. He was recently awarded the Elinor Ostrom Award for research excellence, a top-level international recognition in the field of commons. His Scientific are accessible to all kinds of audience, in terms of access and comprehension. He cooperated in the elaboration of administrative acts to qualify and legitimize innovative citizens' activities, like the “collective urban and civic use”, in the city of Naples, that recognises a collective governance of an occupied space without any entrustment to a single subject, which was included in the URBACT Good Practice database. He is the President of the “Permanent Observatory on Commons, Participatory Democracy and Fundamentals Rights of the city” of Naples. The Observatory is the city monitoring organism on sustainable and innovative urban policies, whose members are selected on the basis of their demonstrated competence in the field of political, economic and social expertise.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Micciarelli, PhD is a specialized academic in urban local governance and has proven expertise on democratic participatory processes, that develops and implements in an innovative way, creating new policy tools. He elaborated different proposals on local governance for different cities on environmental redevelopment, participatory budgeting, civic audit on public debt, etc. He cooperated in the elaboration of administrative acts to qualify and legitimize innovative citizens' activities, like the collective urban and civic use, that recognizes collective governance of a space without any entrustment to a single subject, which was included in the URBACT Good Practice database. He also co-drafted (with Maddalena, former President of Constitutional Court) the popular initiative proposal (gathering 14.000 signatures) for a resolution on a public beach along the entire coastline of Bagnoli, Naples. For his ability to facilitate meetings and assemblies, and drawing precise policy messages out of them, many communitarian experiences consider him as a trusted and capable mediator with institutions and other experiences. He has the ability to capture the bigger picture behind the concrete situation and communicate good practices and policy messages in a clear, precise and effective way. He is also very attentive towards dissemination with different means, such as pitches, reports, social posts, video, images, and proceedings also in research networks.
Theme / Policy: 
Arts and Culture
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Micciarelli has a significant experience on the ground of right’s claims of cultural workers, both as a lawyer and practitioner in several “interdependent” cultural production centers (such as One of his skills is to help grassroots experiences characterised by artists’ civic engagement and collaborative community-led culture. His proposals and tools may help to democratise access to arts and culture, in favour of both cultural workers - mutualising means of production and creating alliances between different sectors - and audiences at large, stimulating the creation of new publics through affordable access to culture. He is an expert in participation processes that involve citizens, visitors, immaterial workers, public and private sector, spreading arts transformative potential among cities; he is able to create new legal tools regarding artistic self-determination and create connections that may help to trigger significant national and transnational learning processes on governance system of cultural institutions. In particular, his expertise is focused on collective theatre managements, artistic and cultural occupied spaces, precarious income, copyleft, urban centers revival with creative empowerment.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Because of his expertise on urban governance tools, Micciarelli has co-written many grant applications and projects for L’Asilo, e.g.: the membership in the Trans Europe Halles. Through this network, l’Asilo has also been included,e.g., in the “Creative Lenses” project as a case study and in a Creative Europe project - called “Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities” - as “handshake partner”. The project is about a mutual exchange of practices of cultural policy co-creation among 7 different Urban Labs, represented in the project by either Administrations, public companies and cultural centers. The project also involves the P2P Foundation, European Cultural Foundation and University of Antwerp. Micciarelli’s contribution was precious in this phase, due to his professional legal expertise, scientific knowledge, and practical experience. Another skill that Micciarelli shares in these kinds of project is the writing of mind maps, SWOT analyses, and summaries that extract the main concept of complex civic experiences. This capability is crucial to underline successfully ideas and practices in which civic society is often already involved but in a nonaccountable way. Eg, Micciarelli supported "com(.)com" - a pilot research project exploring micro-scaled civil and artistic communities in the two cities of Beirut and Naples - for the grant application promoted in the Tandem cultural collaboration program (that strengthens civil society in Europe and its neighboring regions).
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
Micciarelli has contributed to the creation of the Permanent Observatory on Commons, Participatory Democracy and Fundamentals Rights of the city of Naples, and the design its prerogatives and procedures to advice on urban policies intervention. With this contribution, this has become now a monitoring organism on sustainable and a model for other innovative consultative bodies on urban policies such as the audit observatory on public debt. Its members are selected on the basis of their demonstrated competence in the field of political, economic and social expertise. Within the body, he was unanimously elected as a President, since everyone recognized his long-lasting scientific commitment and practical engagement in the field of urban commons. The Observatory has the duty to promote the dialogue between the Administration and the inhabitants and can give advice to the city government, designing participatory tools. In practice, the organism identifies and studies sensitive issues, promotes public debates, and elaborates solutions of public interest, starting from the inhabitants’ needs and desires. Micciarelli, as a President, has the responsibility to stimulate and coordinate the Observatory’s work and agenda; moreover, he is the spokesperson of the organism. Above all, he gives active proposals concerning the monitoring tools for integrated and sustainable urban policies, especially related to public hearings of public officers and access to public documents.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
To be up-to-date in terms of scientific debates, policies, trends and funds is vital for an high-level researcher. Of course, Micciarelli keeps the pace of the debate about sustainable urban development through the traditional means of sectoral reviews, scientific productions, case studies, and also press, blogposts, social networks,etc. But, once more, his ultimate point of strength is his broad and diverse network. Being part of different networks allows Micciarelli to have more access to the circulation of crucial information. For example, very often he can access unpublished materials or information about legal acts that are not made public, yet. For the same reason, he also receives many mailing lists or newsletter reports on the progress of ongoing or finalized researches and practices, blog posts and articles on trending urban initiatives, etc. In addition, his personal academic webpage ( often reaches the top 2% in the monthly ranking of visits; also, for this reason, he is often invited to preview and comment drat papers before publication. He always keeps good communication with key partners in various places and sectors, because this helps the circulation and sharing of important information, including calls for grants and funding. Furthermore, he keeps always attentive to policy and political discussion at a European level in order to be ready to implement new policy guidelines.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
One of Micciarelli´s biggest contributions to Napoli, his native city, was his involvement and coordination role - first as advisor of informal community and after as Observatory president - in the collective drafting of the Declaration of Urban Civic and Collective Use and all the City Government Resolutions on commons, that set the bases and rules for a common understanding of horizontal self-government, and at the same time stand as a toolbox of good practices for civic participation. His ability to design juridical tools avails itself not only of trans-territorial exchanges but also of comparison with different ages and legal traditions and were adapted to the needs of social experimentation in Napoli. The lessons learned in the crafting process have been adapted in a pedagogical way to reproduce the good practices in different cities of Italy and Europe. At the present time, the Declaration of L’Asilo and the Resolution of the City of Napoli have served as a template for other realities, that have modified it - also with Micciarelli’s help - according to their own social context and legal frameworks. Today administrative acts, similar to the above City Government Resolution, have been adopted by the City Councils in Alghero, Palermo, and Torino among others. Moreover, many grassroots experiences have drafted their Declarations, following L’Asilo’s one, and other ones in Spain are reasoning about communitarian uses.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise