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Rome hosts its 3rd ULG meeting

Edited on

10 July 2019
Read time: 2 minutes

The third Urbact Local Group (ULG) meeting of Rome took place on 7TH June 2019 at the Casale Ciribelli, in the southern area of the city.

Participants in the meeting discussed the following topics:

  • Presentation of the work carried out during the URBACT Campus in Turin on 21st -22nd of  May, with representatives of numerous Italian cities participating in the URBACT Program;
  • Presentation and discussion of the Improvement Plan of Rome’s good practice;
  • Identification of 3 “diarists” who will be responsible for redacting the "diaries" throughout the duration of the project. The diaries will function as a tool to keep readers up to speed on how the Improvement Plan in Rome is being developed, what critical issues are encountered and what progress is being made. The three diarists, identified among the ULG members, are: Giorgio Scavino (Neisos S.r.l. start-up), Luca D’Eusebio (Zappata Romana Association) and Fabio Ecca (Vivere in ... ONLUS Association). These diarists are complementary as they have different skills and experience, therefore their diaries  will also reflect this complementarity;
  • Possible involvement of ULG members in the next transnational meetings.

The Improvement Plan of Rome was the aspect most discussed during the meeting, with special emphasis on the delay in the approval of the Regulations of the Urban Gardens by the City Council.

Expectations are high among the citizens who actively participated and made possible the new Regulation of urban gardens, hence the importance of a speedy approval. The citizens’ participatory process is complex and crucial: this is why it needs to remain connected to the political life of the city, without discontinuity, in order to avoid setbacks and guarantee its effectiveness. RU:RBAN, through the Rome ULG, can greatly contribute to the constructive and positive dialogue between local administration and citizens, thus ensuring the continuity of the participatory process.

The "Improvement Plan" of Rome could bring adequate and effective tools to facilitate the implementation of the Regulation also in terms of transferring competences from the central Administration to the Districts. This would simplify the management procedures of the areas under the responsibility of city districts and, therefore, smoothen all tasks related to assignment of the areas. In this line, the ULG intends to develop and share an effective marketing strategy (the “Rome Good practice city of urban vegetable gardens” brand) and promote the management of shared urban gardens at city district level.

The Improvement Plan drawn so far foresees an interdisciplinary approach and a consultation table with all the Offices and Departments of the City involved in the field of urban agriculture: Social Policies Department, Urban Planning Dept., Schools, Public Health, Public Works Department, etc. The aim is to increase the exchange of knowledge and experiences so that the Regulation of urban gardens can become a fundamental tool for the development of urban gardens in Rome. The contribution and initiative of ULG members is crucial to keep this consultation table enlivened.

The ULG is also set to give further impetus towards the establishment of the Forum of Urban Gardens, which will involve the districts, the Departments of the City Administration, citizens’ associations, professionals and experts. The Forum would aim at consolidating and enhancing local actions in favor of urban gardens and the definition of marketing activities in support of urban agriculture practices.