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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have extensive experience with a wide range of local authorities in Europe as well as other stakeholders (local energy agences, civil society organisations and universities and research centres) related to integrated development of local long-term 2050 visions, strategies and action plans (the IMAGINE-INTERREG project). I gave support to local authorities with their internal processes to move forward from silo work and thinking to co-creation processes via inter-departmental meetings, co-developed strategies and action plans. I also gave support with the external, bottom-up process of involving citizens and key stakeholders, notably in the development of their SUMPs (sustainle urban mobility plans) and the link to their SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plan). I have done research and analysis on citizen and stakeholder engagement processes and I used several facilitation techniques in practice in order to ensure large scale involvement. I also trained local authorities on several of these facilitation tools in order to build capacity at local level. I am passionate about bottom co-design processes for integrated sustainable development, moving away from mere citizen awareness raising and information to real engagement and active co-creation.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have over 13 years of experience in transnational exchange and networking with local authorities via my work at Energy Cities (European assotiation of local authorities in energy transition). I was co-responsible for the membership strategy and coordination of networking among members for 4 years. In the framework of the Smarter Together project, I have also succesfully led two major Work Package: - on replication of smart city strategies from lighthouse cities (Vienna, Lyon and Munich) to follower cities (Venice, Sofia and Santiago de Compostela). - on creating a Club of Cities to transfer know how from hands on solutions tested by the pilot cities at large scale to other local authorities in Europe. I have also set up a thematic working group on sustainable mobility in the framework of the CitiZEN (Europe for Citizens) project involving 6 local authorities. In the LIFE funded, Living Streets project, the experience of Ghent was successfully transferred to 7 cities in Europe. I coordinated the learning process and the transfer of know-how.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
- I have accomplished my MSc on Urban Environmental Management in English and Dutch at the Wageningen University and Research Centre (The Netherlands) and my final thesis was written in English. - I have provided several oral presentations at workshops and conferences. - I have facilitated numerous workshops in English. - I have written various publications, reports, case studies in English. As an example, please consult my latest publication:

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I am experienced in managing and coordinating numerous European projects (under diverse programmes: H2020, INTERREG, LIFE, Europe for Citizens etc) as well as leading work packages on replication of best practice and know-how in the framework of major projects, such as the Smarter Together project. Within the above mentioned projects, I have organised numerous peer to peer reviews, workshops, site visits, single-peer and multi-peer baseline, transfer and monitoring as well as online networking (webinars, online exchange platforms). I have used the following facilitation methods: world café, open space technology, storytelling, intensive lab sessions, speed dating, icebreakers, one breath feedback, start-stop-continue, action planning, meta planning, multi-voting/ranking. I have extensive experience in research and analysis of local best practices, preparing case studies and analysing their replication potential to other local contexts, inspiring other local authorities and their stakeholders and citizens. I am regularly organising workshops and networking activities as well as policy reports and recommendations for local authorities that are members of Energy Cities, a European association of local authorities in energy transition.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have strong expertise on local governance having closely worked with local authorities all over Europe for the last 13 years, being co-responsible for the Membership strategy of Energy Cities, a European association of local authorities in energy transition. Energy Cities gathers approximately 200 individual members as well as collective members, representing 1000 local authorities in EU 28. In this framework I have coordinated city to city cooperation, thematic twinning and working groups. I am currently head of projects and campaigns at Energy Cities and have managed numerous EU co-financed projects where the main beneficiaries have always been the local authorities. I facilitated peer to peer reviews and exchanges on different local policies, moderated workshops and conferences, drafted publications, promotional material and thematic reports. I contributed to local policy design, policy recommendations and preparation of local best practices at multiple occasions in the European projects that I have managed. I have an MSc in Urban Environmental Management from the Wageningen University and Research Centre (the Netherlands).

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I have organised numerous peer to peer reviews, workshops, site visits, single-peer and multi-peer baseline, transfer and monitoring as well as online networking (webinars, online exchange platforms). I have used the following facilitation methods: world café, open space technology, storytelling, intensive lab sessions, speed dating, icebreakers, one breath feedback, start-stop-continue, action planning, meta planning, multi-voting/ranking. For instance in the Smarter Together project, these methods and tools were used in several exchange meetings and in the Intensive Lab Sessions (involving local stakeholders, citizens and also international project partners and experts) to produce the local smart city strategies and replication plans in Santiago de Compostela, Sofia and Venice. example, a the occasion of the Intensive Lab Session held in Santiago de Compostela:
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
In the IMAGINE (Interreg 4C project), I worked with local authorities on long term visions and roadmaps for their cities: - I co-developed the following assessment grid : including these guidelines: - Several methods were used: visioning, backcasting, roadmapping, monitoring For instance for Modena: - For instance for Bistrita: - I helped develop integrated local visions and strategies within the IMAGINE project using templates and guidelines, phone and face to face interviews, feedback and comments on draft plans etc.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I keep up to date on relevant sustainable urban development policies and funding schemes via: - At the European level: the Energy Cities policy team. - At the national level: I coordinate the Covenant of Mayors national implementation strategy in Croatia, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. I am also in close liaison with Energy Cities collective members who are national associations of local authorities (for instance Orase Energie Romania; Polish Network Energy Cities, Klimaatverbond Netherlands, Klimatkommunerna Sweden, EcoEnergy Bulgaria etc).
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
The tools and methods need always to be adapted to the local context and to the situation in each project. I have organised numerous peer to peer reviews, workshops, site visits, single-peer and multi-peer baseline, transfer and monitoring as well as online networking (webinars, online exchange platforms). I have also used methods such as visioning, backcasting, roadmapping, co-creation processes.
Summary Expertise: 
With over 13 years of work with municipalities in Europe in different fields of sustainability (citizen engagement, sustainable integrated urban planning, sustainable mobility, local long term visions, roadmaps and planning), I have broad experience in sharing and replicating best practice in an internatioanl context, allowing me to easily assess and apprehend the challenges at hand and ensure an integrated approach. My view is that tools and methods need always to be adapted to the local context and to the situation in each project. Within the trans-national exchange projects, I have organised numerous peer to peer reviews, workshops, site visits, single-peer and multi-peer baseline, transfer and monitoring as well as online networking (webinars, online exchange platforms). I have also used methods such as visioning, backcasting, roadmapping, co-creation processes. I have used the following facilitation methods: world café, open space technology, storytelling, intensive lab sessions, speed dating, icebreakers, one breath feedback, start-stop-continue, action planning, meta planning, multi-voting/ranking. I keep continuously up to date on European sustainable urban development policies via my daily work at Energy Cities as well as regular contact with national associations of local authorities and energy agencies.


Residence location:
Hungarian - Mother tongue, Romanian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise