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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My first veritable relationship with the concept of integrated and sustainable urban development was around 2004. The Catalan Parliament approved the law to improve neighbourhoods. We all thought it was a very advanced law, because it used architecture and urbanism projects to solve social problems. The necessity of whole visions was talked about. As well as transversal aims. Professionals talked about the necessary involvement of the neighbours, and of the need to evaluate the results in order to be later shared. When the small municipalities or the neighbourhoods in large cities, detected a series of social problems clearly related to an urban deficiency, they commissioned a project to a multidisciplinary team - sociologists, geographers, biologists, urbanists, architects - that presented proposals to try to reverse these problems. Many times, it was the citizens themselves who, through neighbourhood associations, had repeatedly asked the local administration to take action on the matter. The Generalitat established from the “Llei de Barris”, an annual assembly to co-finance these interventions jointly with the municipalities. Behind all this was Oriol Nel·lo, a geographer, with a political position in the regional government. And, of course, there were also the FEDER funds. I was part of the jury that evaluated the proposals presented to the calls of “Pla de Barris”, as representative of COAC for 2 years. I work in that direction, both as a teacher and as an architect
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
The exchange and learning process at transnational level goes a little further than working in an international team. It means starting a work process -observation, analysis, strategies, actions, proposals-, simultaneously in several places with different dynamics, cultures, uses; and knowing how to share the learning provided by the monitoring of the process, especially if the fields to be self-evaluated are shared and can be compared. My relationship with these learning processes is also mainly found in my work as a teacher. I would like to clarify that the result of my courses is always a set of different approaches to the same starting situation. Very similar to an exchange and learning process. As a teacher, my relationship with international environments has been some Courses taught at foreign universities, as the 2009 Fall Semester Degree Studio at Sam Fox School or Architecture, at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri; the 2012 Master intensive workshop at the Universidad Iberoamericana (IBERO) in México DF; some workshops developed between the ETSAV and l’École de la Ville et des territoires de Marne-la-Vallée in Paris; la Facoltà di Architettura del Politecnico di Torino in Verona; la Università di Genova, in Genova; la Ensan in Nantes; and the Urban Planning Department of the City of Rome and the MAXXI Foundation in Roma; and the assistance to several Mid and final Reviews in several universities as ETH or University of Virginia.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Our generation has a particular history: in the beginning of our education, foreign languages were not the priority. We started learning later, and developing our degree by our own in parallel with our careers. Anyway, the international transfer appears when we start travelling abroad, not only for vacation, but to share knowledges and experiences with other students. Then it forced us to drastically improve our language level, English in most of cases. At the end of the day, I think we know English because we need it for the knowledge interchange beyond the boundaries of our own countries.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Ability to organize activities mainly found in my work as a teacher. All the courses described have been improving a methodology. Information; Observation; Positioning; Aims; Strategies; Goals; Actions; Argumentation. Information: We use to work together, as a group; and intensively, in order to produce a kind of Atlas with all the obtained material. In only one week we are able to look for the information and share it. Oral, written and graphic. Working in groups always requires more argumentation than individual work. Coherence is inevitable. The objective of the design process is that, at the end, everyone could deliver a specific and different answer to the original question. Good proposals are always coming from good questions. In the beginning every participant has to choose his own interests’ way of thinking . For a maximum of 3 weeks, a public presentation is made. To understand the value of the own proposal is necessary to understand the others proposals. We can consider proposals as project models applicable in other similar situation. I can assure that my experience as a teacher formore than 25 years guarantees all the skills that are requested here. In all of the universities where I have taught over the past fifteen years (UIC School of Architecture, Wash.U in Saint Louis; ETSAV School of Architecture in Bcn), I have received student evaluations (4,79/5,0) well above the average of the institution, with warm and positive comments from my students.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Large scale areas urban renewal I studied at the School of Architecture of Barcelona, in the specialty of Projects, Urban design and History of Architecture. The School had an incredible faculty. Professors such as Manuel de Sola Morales and Oriol Bohigas explained how the city is designed through its architecture, and how the design of the city needs to be developed on a small scale while considering its materiality. I have been teaching for seven years in collaboration with the Urban Design Department while at the same time conceiving small architectural projects at my office. This multi-scale work is a clear characteristic of my particular résumé. My research, practice, and teaching are linked by my desire to design small but think big. From my point of view, architecture excels when working in the largest and smallest scales simultaneously. So, we do not forget the citizen. Since 2008 I am an associate professor in ETSAV, one of the 2 architecture schools of the UPC. The courses shared with urban design proposes to work on current issues related to the new lifestyle of citizens; new forms of architecture and territory are welcome, but without forgetting the pre-existence, which must be reconsidered, reprogrammed and recycled., It is worth highlighting some projects developed in Professional activity: (2015) La Savinosa (2013) Plaça de les Glories (2012) Collcerola (2002) Hipercatalunya (1999) Consulta Poble Nou/22@

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies


Residence location:
Catalan - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise