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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have graduated at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia, where I got also my PhD. In my professional life, I worked at the Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia at the Institute for Local and Regional Development for 10 years. From 1998, I have been working as an independent consultant and trainer mainly for local governments in strategy planning, participatory planning, marketing of areas and communitation with public.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
During my University work, I attended several conferences in European countries with papers concerning local and regional development - e.g. local employment development, marketing of cities and regions, strategic planning of cities. During my consultation work, I have been leading an international Slovak - Norwegian project, facilitating ERASMUS+ strategic partnership project with Slovak and Finnish partners and participated in Youth in Action and Erasmus+ workshops and trainings in three European countries.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have been communicating in English during international projects, at the international conferences, workshops and trainings. I have been writing project reports and conference papers in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
During my 10-years at the Matej Bel University in Slovakia, I was a co-designer of a course Marketing of Areas which I was teaching. I am co-author of two books: Marketing of Areas I (Marketing for Local Governments) and II (Communitation with Public). I also edited and wrote parts of books: Communication in turn of Centuries, Public Relations for Local Governments. I also wrote a text book for university students: Marketing of Areas. From 2001, I have been working as a consultant and trainer mainly for local, regional and central governments. I prepared about 60 strategic development plans for cities, villages or regions, concerning general develoment of cities, or specific sectors as education, entrepreneurship and SMEs, communication with public, tourism, sports, culture, social services and others. I emphasize participatory planning with stakeholders and public. I am a co-author of the book Strategic Planning for Local Governments where both theory and practice are explained. I also prepared several Marketing Studies or Marketing Plans for regions or regional products/services. I work as a facilitator with rich experience of planning workshops with stakeholders, group meetings, project meetings, etc. I have been trainer of strategic planning of local governments, communicating with public, marketing of areas/city marketing. I have beeb a member of several non-profit organisations, including head or a member of board, aimed at good changes in cities and regions.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In more than 60 strategic development programmes for cities, villages, regions I applied participatory approach. Together with local government we invited stakeholders to planning workshops. I facilitated about 200 planning workshops where visions, SWOT analysis, problem analysis, strategic framework and action plan were created and agreed by stakeholders. I designed and/or facilitated workshops in City of Banska Bystrica about public spaces and a participatory approach to their improvement as a member of board of nonprofit organisation Interactive School of Urbanism and Urban Planning. The outputs were presented to the Mayor and ViceMayor of the City. A manual of participation approach is in process of making.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
I have been working with City of Zvolen on monitoring and evaluation of strategic development programme for several years. This is very rare to do by out cities in Slovakia. Therefore I am very proud that I can help this city with this process. Both monitoring and evaluation processes have been done in a participatory way. I facilitated meeting of working group where stakeholders from public and private sectors were invited. The report was prepared by the City Development Office. After that, I consulted the leaflet about activities realized in the city each year.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I am regular follower of URBACT profiles on Facebook on international and also Slovak level. I tried to promote it among Slovak local governments within my scope to involve them, but not successful. Building infrastructure is the main aim of majority of them. As an independent consultant, I have a good opportunity to be a member of different teams where creativity, a will to find ways of change to better local governance, participation and cooperation, exchange of experience, information and knowledge is valuable. A part of these projects are funded by EU programmes on international and national level. I attend workshops and conferences to keep up to date trends in urban development policies.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
I have been a member of a technical assistance team for the Central Coordination Unit of EU structural funds in Slovakia for two years. This means a cooperative effort of our team of experts to comprehensive understanding the system of management of structural funds, getting to know a perception of it by applicants by several research methods, organise discussions and workshops and write reports and reccommendations. Our role is also to make connections between central management and applicants from regions. As a member of National Leading Group of ERASMUS+ project "Europe Goes Local" I designed a framework of training programme for local groups of people representing youth workers, youth, local government and other organisations from cities or villages. It was based on building teams for youth work instead education of individuals. The project is still in the process, now the teams are doing their own activities with the help of mentors.
Summary Expertise: 
In more than 60 strategic development programmes for cities, villages, regions I applied participatory approach. Together with local government we invited stakeholders to planning workshops. I facilitated about 200 planning workshops where visions, SWOT analysis, problem analysis, strategic framework and action plan were created and agreed by stakeholders. I designed and/or facilitated workshops in City of Banska Bystrica about public spaces and a participatory approach to their improvement as a member of board of nonprofit organisation Interactive School of Urbanism and Urban Planning. I have been working with City of Zvolen on monitoring and evaluation of strategic development programme for several years. Both monitoring and evaluation processes have been done in a participatory way. I facilitated meeting of working group where stakeholders from public and private sectors were invited. I have been a member of a technical assistance team for the Central Coordination Unit of EU structural funds in Slovakia for two years, as a member of National Leading Group of ERASMUS+ project "Europe Goes Local" I designed a framework of training programme for local groups of people representing youth workers, youth, local government and other organisations from cities or villages. It was based on building teams for youth work instead education of individuals. After training, teams follow their activities in their local environment with mentors.


Residence location:
Slovak - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise