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To improve the capacity of cities to manage sustainable urban policies and practices in an integrated and participative way


  1. Abandoned Spaces
  2. Urban Renewal
  3. Local Economy Development -Social Innovation -Local community inclusion and participation

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

To create a city network on disseminating, improving, innovative and forms of urban renovation and upgrading which is cost effective, community friendly and results led. The proposal wish to analyse some local experiences (like Radicity event format into a European municipality network able to consolidate and to disseminate methodologies for low cost, grass root, micro urban regeneration and beautification actions. The idea that the project wish to validate is that the re-qualifications could be effectiveness even if based on low resources, little interventions and community based in a strategical planning and multiyear approach. Within this framework the initiative wishes analyse how to mobilize local and non-local communities, to try to recover the abandoned and neglected sites present in each city, even in more qualified cities, through innovative low-cost intervention model, high quality project designs and social responsibility. The sustainability could be based on a strong communication strategy able to justify the investments of architects, designers, planners and landscape architects who decide to take part in competitions not so much for the small prize monies, but rather for the public good and high visibility in magazines, technical journals, newspapers and urban redevelopment meetings.

Have you already been involved in an URBACT network?


Useful Information

Radicity started in 2017 in Eboli, a little city in the rural area of Salerno Provincia, in the South of Italy with a very poor economy and strong unemployment already identified in the masterpiece by Carlo Levi “Christ Stopped at Eboli” as the edge of Italian development.

Despite this legacy, the Municipality has recently tried to kick start the city’s regeneration starting from the showcasing and revamping of its historical centre: several neglected stone buildings were revamped and put on the market with very good results as people from Salerno city or other EU countries moved into live in the wonderful ancient city, notably artists and architects, delighted to live in a peaceful and living historical centre.

The city of Eboli wish to enlarge this experience and so the architect association linked to radicity event propose to activate a bigger city, avellino, on such experience.

This argument is very interesting for Avellino (italy) municipality: some brief information on our city follows.

Avellino is a no coastal city, located in the south of Italy (campania region), very close to well know tourist hot spots like Pompei, Sorrento, Vesuvio and Naples. Avellino grow after the 1980 earthquake as aggregation point for all the population living in the rural areas surrounding the city. It is very safe and beautiful for the greening of near mountains and the pure landscape: very famous are local wine producer and typical food (from cheeses to vegetable).

Last modified:

05 March 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners

Candidate ID

Municipality of Avellino
Type of region: 
Less developed