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Establishment of an Urban Center (both a conceptual and physical place), a hybrid place which combines urban/territorial and active labour policies.


  1. TO10: Investing in education
  2. skills and lifelong learning by developing education and training infrastructure

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

The aim of the Centre is to achieve maximum effectiveness and efficiency in addressing the resolutions of pressing urban challenges by facilitating a process of cultural, economic, environmental and social transformation of the city with a strong focus on: 1) innovating local territorial and economic governance models; 2) strengthening territorial dialogue through the generation of new relational networks; 3) promoting business creation and acceleration; 4) enhancing local attractiveness of both international and local investments to solve territorial emergencies (mainly related to mobility, Cultural Heritage and Landscape/Environmental issues) within a ten-year horizon (2030); 5) strengthening the involvement of the active forces on a local and metropolitan scale in the management and government of the territory (active citizenship). All about this running planning process can be found at

Have you already been involved in an URBACT network?


Useful Information

The Metropolitan Urban Center (MUC) has a two-fold dimension: vertical/ horizontal governance and training. The Centre accommodates the right balance between participatory planning, Fab-Lab activities and training courses in order to give continuity to the current planning process and to experiment with new business models, to facilitate the matching of job demand and offer/ market opportunities and to promote skills and talents, as well as the active participation of citizens.
The Centre brings together public and private forces through a 4P-management model (Public-Private-People Partnership), determining the negotiating conditions useful to relaunch and to plan the territory in a sustainable way. Moreover, it consents to optimize and define more efficient instruments for the management of structural funds, or to determine locally the requests for territorial cohesion policies, thus reducing the gap between the supply of policies and development. Therefore, the Metropolitan Urban Center (MUC) is finally aimed at:
1) encouraging / training young people towards models of concrete and sustainable planning;
2) proposing to the unemployed people new forms and ways to relate businesses and
3) above all, accompanying them to start up their own business idea.

Albano Laziale is proposing itself as Lead partner (LP). If your city is interested in joining our network, please contact us at:

Last modified:

20 February 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners

Candidate ID

Municipality of Albano Laziale
Albano Laziale
Type of region: 
More developed