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Creation of environmentally friendly and sustainable orientation towards transport action plan.


  1. Urban mobility
  2. Sustainable transport
  3. Strategic planning

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

Project “Towards sustainable transport planning” addresses the topic of sustainable daily mobility for inhabitants who make an increasing share of their daily journeys with a car, which leads to bigger pollution and poorer living conditions along the roads. Although alternative mobility (train, bus, cycling, walking) is relatively accessible, cities are still challenged with poor travel habits and low people’s awareness. The project aims to exchange knowledge and experiences in the field of alternative mobility, to develop strategies and action plans that through sustainable and integrated approach will allow us to create friendly and safe environment.

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Useful Information

Areas of interest:
- Urban planning
- Urban mobility
- Participation
- Urban - rural

Last modified:

20 February 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Partner

Candidate ID

Municipality of Grosuplje
Type of region: 
More developed