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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Since obtaining a Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering in 1989 from the University of Florence (Italy), I have had more than 25 years of experience related to urban development, in particular in the field of environmental applied acoustics and noise control. In April 1991 I obtained a 3 years post doc Scholarship at the University of Florence in “Environmental modeling of the Arno river basin”. May 1998 – Admission as Competent technician in Acoustic in Tuscan Region Expert List In 1992 I founded VIE EN.RO.SE. Ingegneria S.r.l., and I am the current President. This company is a top level (ISO 9001:2008 certified) consultancy firm, specialized in environmental and civil engineering and occupational and environmental hygiene, that, throughout the years, has had long lasting experience in the environmental sector. Throughout the past years I have been chairman of various scientific societies, member of scientific committees for several national and international conferences. I am actual adjunct professor of “Environmental Acoustics: Assessment and Design” at the University of Florence (Italy), Honorary visiting professor in “Environmental Acoustics - Noise from Transport” at Ural State University USURT Ekaterinburg (Russia) and adjunct Professor for the Course of “Risks from Physical Agents in workplaces” at the University of Florence - Dept. of Occupational Medicine. From 2013 – 2015 I was Visiting Lecturer at School of Architecture - Royal College of Art -London (UK).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have been involved in transnational exchanges for many years and have gained valuable experience from the following activities: Scientific and Technical Director of EU funded project: IPA2009 OSH EASTNET. Technical Project Manager of EU funded project: LIFE+2008 HUSH. Scientific Director of the OSHNET SCHOOL, follow up of EU OSH EASTNET project, since 2011. Technical Manager of EU funded LIFE+2010, QUADMAP project, EU funded LIFE+2015, MONZA project and EU funded Erasmus + 2017, Noise Training project. General Chairman of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration (Florence, 2015) held in Florence in 2015 – more than 1000 attending people, organized by IIAV (International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration). Member of the Executive Council of EAA (European Acoustics Association) from 2008, Member of the National Board of AIDII, the Italian Association of Occupational Hygienists from 2011, Member of the Working Group “Noise” of the Eurocities network since 2008, Chairman of the Acoustics Commission of Federation of Orders of Engineers since 2014, Registered Technical Consultant for Florence Civil Court since 2001, Member of the Italian Association of Experts for quality of Court Consultancy since 2012, Honorary Visiting Professor at the Ural State University of Railway Transport since 2012.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have worked on many European projects, networks and expertise missions, the majority of which had English as the spoken and written language. I have organized, chaired international congresses and congresses’ sessions. I have presented papers and given speeches and lectures in several British and International conferences and published many articles in English language as well. I was a visiting lecturer for the Royal College of Art in London from 2013 to 2015.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
In my career I have been involved in transnational projects such as the Life+2008 HUSH, Life+2010 QUADMAP, Life+ 2015 MONZA, IPA OSH EAST NET, Erasmus + 2017 on Noise and Training during which I have always tried to maintain continuous relationships with all partners to encourage their involvement in every step of the project, not only by sending and asking updates on the activities but also by informing them about extra-project activities of potential interest. I organized several activities for learning purposes in Italian schools: frontal lessons on acoustics fundamental, practical activities concerning acoustics measurements and acoustic models’ setting, questionnaires submission in which alternative inquiry methods such as drawings have been adopted with children and activities organized in the frame of the work-related learning. I have enhanced the networking with other EU projects by the invitation and participation to meetings and the organization of Congresses’ sessions. Thanks to the knowledge, contacts and good relationships I have with many Italian and foreign stakeholders, I have not found particular problems in involving them in various learning activities such as conferences, courses but also filling in questionnaires to be used in different EU projects activities. Over the years I have developed strategies for the specific audience in order to communicate technical concepts, often not basic, also to people who were not native English speakers.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I am an expert in the field of environmental applied acoustics and noise control. I have experiences with all environmental noise issues in urban complex scenarios, related to the application of END Directive and other International Regulation and Standard. I am author of over 200 scientific papers on these topics, editor of several congress publications and proceedings and lecturer at a number of universities, including the University of Florence and the School of Architecture at the Royal College of Art, London. I have been the chairman and member of numerous scientific societies and of scientific and organizing committees for many national and international conferences and the supervisor of international research projects. I have been the coordinator of many projects in the field of environmental engineering, with particular expertise in environmental acoustics, including the following: Scientific and Technical Director of EU funded project: IPA2009 OSH EASTNET. Technical Project Manager of EU funded project: LIFE+2008 HUSH. Technical Manager of EU funded LIFE+2010 QUADMAP project. Product Manager of Documenta Acustica, information product of the European Acoustics Association. General Chairman of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration (Florence, 2015) organized by IIAV (International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration) and AIA (Acoustical Society of Italy).

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In the major part of the transnational projects in which I have been involved (Life+2008 HUSH, Life+2010 QUADMAP, Life+ 2015 MONZA, IPA OSH EAST NET, Erasmus + 2017 on Noise and Training) I have successfully enhanced the adoption of the participatory approach with the population of the cities involved in the implementation phases. Since the writing phase of the projects that I have personally followed, it has been considered of fundamental importance, for the achievement of the goals set, that the citizenship be involved in the implementation of the various activities planned. This choice was adopted considering that some voluntary actions implemented by the cities can effectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives set. The direct involvement of the population in the projects is also aimed at a better understanding of the objectives of the latter and the acceptance of structural interventions frequently implemented. As an example, during the LIFE QUADMAP project several students of kindergartens, primary and middle schools have been involved, with age-appropriate methodologies, in providing information about their perception of soundscape of their schools’ courtyards and with suggestions for the designing of interventions. Concerning the implemented methodology, the younger students were asked to answer to the questions with drawings, while for the others questionnaires with open and closed questions have been specifically drafted.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
In most of the European projects I have participated in, there has often been the need, from a technical point of view, to monitor several environmental parameters at the same time (noise, air quality, health, economic aspects, etc.). To this end, in addition to establishing from the outset the specific responsibilities and roles of the partners in this regard, I have often tried to develop specific indicators for each parameter to be monitored and also to develop an index that encompasses them all, so as to provide and monitor the quality and sustainability of the urban environment. Concerning the specific monitoring of the projects’ progresses from a technical and economical point of view, dedicated commissions have been established since the very beginning and periodic meetings have been scheduled. Moreover, I have always promoted the periodic delivering of projects’ reports for the evaluation of general results related to the Projects’ objectives, evaluation in terms of efficiency of the working methods, preparation of sheets regarding the punctual monitoring activities of each Action.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
The search for International, European and National funds occupies one of the top positions in my work. In fact, in addition to the possibility of obtaining funding to carry out work activities of interest, they also represent an opportunity to establish solid partnerships, meet colleagues and get ideas for new activities and areas of work. I am a member of a number of services (FIRST, Eurocities, etc.) through which I daily receive by email news and updates on new calls for proposals, calls that are about to be opened and about patent competitions. I coordinate a group composed by several technical experts working in search of calls for Regional, National, European programmes (LIFE+, Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, URBACT, UIA, CEDR, Interreg). Since I am the Director of the International Institute of Sound and Vibration, Member of the Executive Council of the European Acoustical Association, of the National Board of the Italian Society of Acoustics, and of the Italian Association of Occupational Hygienists, Coordinator of Scientific and Technical Committee on Acoustics Sound and Vibrations of the Italian Associations of Consultants in Environment and Safety, of the Working Group Noise of the Eurocities network, Coordinator of the Acoustics Group of the Environmental Commission of the Association of Engineers of Florence, I attend several meetings organized from the above-mentioned associations and I am constantly informed about possible calls for proposals to which take part.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
In all the projects in which I participated, I have always shown a certain sensitivity to local contexts and problems, trying to adapt my knowledge, my past experience and tools in my possession to the target with which I had to interact and its needs, always looking for an active dialogue and never imposing my position. The first time I carried out courses at the OSHNET school in Turkey I expected to have in front of me an audience with the same level of knowledge in the subjects that I had gone to teach. Instead, I discovered that it was composed of both professors in similar subjects and people hardly with a basic knowledge. In this circumstance I had to quickly adapt the material I had prepared and to integrate it (adding presentation of basic concepts) to do everything possible to make the levels of knowledge of the audience as homogeneous as possible. A second example concerns the activity that I carried out in the frame of the work-related learning of the LIFE MONZA project. In fact, in that context students were asked both to explain the contents of the questionnaires to be submitted to the population and to carry out some simple statistic elaborations. However, after I had the first direct contacts with students, I discovered that, in order to properly complete the assigned work, they needed to go deeper into some basic topics relating to communication and information technology and I immediately activated in this direction in order to compensate for their gaps.
Summary Expertise: 
In the projects in which I participated I have successfully enhanced the adoption of the participatory approach with the population involved in the implementation phases. Since the writing phase, I considered of fundamental importance, for the achievement of the goals set, to involve the citizenship in the implementation of the planned activities. Moreover, there has often been the need to monitor several environmental parameters at the same time (noise, air quality, health, economic aspects, etc.). To this end, I have developed specific indicators for each parameter and an index that encompasses them all, so as to monitor the quality and sustainability of the urban environment. The search for International, European and National funds occupies one of the top positions in my work by means of dedicated mailing list services, coordination of the work of colleagues dedicated to the search of calls and personal contacts with Commissions, Associations and Networks to which I belong. In fact, in addition to the possibility of obtaining funding to carry out work activities of interest, they also represent an opportunity to establish solid partnerships, meet colleagues and get ideas for new activities. In the projects in which I participate, I have always shown a certain sensitivity to local contexts and problems, trying to adapt my knowledge, my past experience and tools in my possession to the target with which I had to interact and its needs, always looking for an active dialogue.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise