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To meet the global objectives set out in the Paris Agreement to limit climate change, cities cannot act on their own and must engage all local actors.


  1. Low carbon
  2. Energy efficiency
  3. Participation

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

Cities cannot act on their own in the fight against climate change. Local actors (SMEs, NGOs, citizens, etc.), are in fact responsible for most CO2 emissions and energy consumption and must therefore be engaged. Their commitment to take innovative and ambitious actions encompassing all sectors is indeed quintessential to achieving a low carbon society. Collecting commitments of all local actors is a first step towards mitigating the local carbon footprint, what is essential is to ensure they are translated in concrete actions that effectively contribute to set mitigation objectives. How to implement, monitor and evaluate such measures is key. This must be done in close cooperation between the local authorities and the actors involved. The urban community of Rouen (Métropole Rouen Normandie) has completed this first collection phase and is now looking to establish an action plan on how to concretely follow and support their implementation. The main challenge is therefore not only to support local actors in their actions to mitigate climate change, but also to build on this momentum to further involve other actors and achieve a carbon neutral urban territory by 2050.

Have you already been involved in an URBACT network?


Useful Information

The urban community of Métropole Rouen Normandie (490 000 inhab.) has already developed tools to foster and collect local actors’ commitments. These have been formally adopted with the signature of “Accord de Rouen” in November 2018.
Métropole Rouen Normandie is now looking for partners, including a Lead Partner, with a clear will and proven commitment to concretely fight climate change.
We are looking to build a partnership where each partners bring their own experiences to the table and shows willingness to take on new ideas so that each can develop an Action plan that is both innovative and adapted to its local needs.

Last modified:

03 April 2019
Partnership complete
Partnership complete

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Partner
A Lead Expert

Candidate ID

Métropole Rouen Normandie
Type of region: 
More developed