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Accelerate the implementation of the Internet of Things as an instrument for the sustainable development of small and medium-sized cities


  1. digital tools
  2. Urban-rural
  3. Jobs and skills

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

With the massification of technology associated with the Internet of Things (IoT), the cities of the future will necessarily be Smart Cities, geared to the needs of citizens, otherwise they will lose competitiveness in attracting people and reproductive investments, generating sustainable jobs. The same priority can be extended to the small and medium-sized cities in rural areas. Accelerate the implementation of the Internet of Things as an instrument for the sustainable development of small and medium-sized cities in rural areas, capable of increasing the competitiveness of the economy, promoting the improvement of the quality of life, sustainable environments and the delivery of 'connected health/care' services to citizens at home and on the move. For this URBACT project, the IOT challenge focus on: IOT for SMALL AND MEDIUM CITIES, IOT for HEALTH, IOT for AGROTECH, IOT for ENTERPRISE and IOT for EDUCATION... The Action Plan, baseline and case studies for URBACT III are a fundamental landmark in this trajectory because it will provide a strategic vision on the Internet of Things. Its collaborative construction will involve diverse actors from the public and private sectors, business associations and the academy of the various municipalities’ European partners. By 2025, Internet of Things will have a greater economic impact than advanced robotics, cloud technologies and even the mobile internet.

Have you already been involved in an URBACT network?

As Project Partner

Useful Information

The Municipality of Fundão is a recent winner of REGIOSTARS PRIZE, in the category 1) Supporting smart industrial transition, with his Business and Shared Services Centre. We are looking for SMALL AND MEDIUM CITIES, municipalities, regions all over Europe, with some smart experience around ICT and innovation infrastructure (FAB-LAB, Business Hub, ICT Incubators, etc...) and Universities.

Last modified:

22 February 2019
Partnership complete
Partnership complete

I am looking for

Project Partners

Candidate ID

Municipality of Fundão
Type of region: 
Less developed