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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I studied a lot of Economics and Statistics at “Sapienza” University of Rome. This gave me effective tools to analyze a territory and its characteristics, based on scientific evidence. In my work I dealt with impact analysis at local level, stimulated by innovative projects and investments in SMEs. I studied and applied methods for transfer of technological innovation in the entrepreneurial world. This produced stable and sustainable over time development effects of urban context, by the consolidation of some market positions in the industrial world and reducing the inefficiencies of a development out of control. The project I = rp², mentioned in my CV as I was the coordinator, is an evident tool of this process. More experience was done in the project WIMOVE, financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, funds from a Programm for the Innovation and Growth in big cities. The City of Rome was the Lead Partner and I was the project coordinator. The project aimed to face critical issues about urban and extra-urban mobility, by rationalizing the transportation service and facilitating information to citizens. This effort produced removing the waste of time, fuel, emissions, usage of the roads, traffic,… For several years I also had the role of Head of EU Projects Unit in the Dept. for Local Economic Development and the coordinator of projects financed under MED, INTERREG, LIFE, URBACT. I was also in a partnership with the City of Riga as LP for a H2020 project.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Since 2010 I’ve been working as EU project coordinator, aiming to transnational exchange of good practices. I’ve been making sure that the exchange would be in a dynamic and concrete context, testing same methodologies in different local situations. Anytime these methodologies were adapted to the transfer cities, by studying the characteristics of the local economic and social environment and then experimenting the good practice. I have also deeply trusted the importance of possible emerging feedback, to use successful results and to improve the good practice also in the territory where it was born. This happened in some INTERREG or MED projects I coordinated as City of Rome Lead Partner or Project Partner. Some of them are KNOWMAN, CLUE, GREENITNET, CATMED. For instance, among the actions made for KNOWMAN, I worked a lot to improve regional cooperation and spatial innovation policies by using demand and supply analysis. It was fundamental to know and to apply analysis methods coming from partners, so we could successfully test the Transfer Cafè, a virtual meeting place among stakeholders, designed by Berlin. Of course, there were many rules to make it work well and give us useful indications. This good practice has improved the capacity of regions to support a sustainable knowledge based regional development. Enterprises, public research institutes and local institutions were involved in this very challenging process.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I studied English at school and improved it travelling alone all over Europe several times in the '70. Then I improved my English attending courses at the Centro Studi Americani in Rome. I've been used to speak English in my work activities for many years, as I coordinated EU projects and I had relations with partners from wherever in Europe. I had speeches in international conferences and presentations in working meetings. I have a certificate for C1 level, (C1+ for listening, writing and reading, C1 for speaking), it is issued by the Director of the International House London- Roma, authorised by University of Cambridge. I cannot attach a photo here , but I can show it if needed.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I’ve been the coordinator of RURAL project financed under URBACT Transfer Network, phase 1st. It was a very innovative project because we planned and realized a strong collaboration with the local stakeholders involved in the experience of urban gardens. With my collaborators I reached different kinds of citizens associations, those from the territory where the gardens are, those helping needed people, those schools and children oriented (parents and teachers), those working on health side. I, as local Institution, promoted meetings to stimulate their potential contribute and to organize the actions in a whole dimension. Then we asked them to go on and study together the coherence of this common experience. The (public) areas were assigned by the Administration. I also studied the possibility to give some funds to them, not asking them some local taxes: the saved amount is precisely calculated and must be spent for agriculture equipment. Inside the administration of the City of Rome, during the project I contributed to develop the “Regolamento degli orti urbani”, the list of rules that regulate the relationship between the owner of the areas (the public administration) of urban gardens and the citizens associations using them. This was approved and adopted. Maybe it will be used as a contribute to the wider “Regolamento dell’uso dei beni comuni”, rules for the usage of common goods, at national level, not yet existing in the final version.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
In 2013-2014 I was the project coordinator, for the City of Rome as PP, of CLUE - Climatically Neutral Urban Districts in Europe- , an INTERREG project. It focused the challenges that sustainable cities face on the path to become carbon neutral. The starting point of the project is the work of cities to create climate-neutral urban neighborhoods, using new technologies and innovative construction techniques to reduce CO2 emissions. One of the main objectives of the CLUE project is to strengthen local and regional capacity in policy development regarding the implementation and evaluation of new solutions and technologies for a low-carbon economy in urban areas. CLUE explores good practice in designing and implementing systems, solutions and technologies for climate-neutral urban districts, as well as methods for measuring, monitoring, communicating, verifying and evaluating climate mitigation efforts. Project activities have been finalized in good practice guides and policy recommendations on the integration of climate aspects into the urban development process. In addition, CLUE project partners developed guidelines for the methodology as well as implementation plans for all participating regions. The final product is the provision of policy advice on how the examples of good practices identified can be introduced in the decision-making processes of planning in cities and regions.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
On behalf of the Department for Economic Development of Rome, I have been the promoter and then the coordinator of multi-departmental meetings, especially created to ensure a hub of coordination for the participation of Rome in the EU funded projects. This multi-departmental meetings involved the City’s Departments for Economic Development, Environment, Urban Planning, Public works, Social Policies and European funding. In particular, with the European funding Dept. I have established a permanent collaboration, being responsible for the European project in my Department. One result of the multi-departmental meetings was the development of the RURAL project under URBACT Transfer Network. Within such multi-departmental meetings I’ve developed several projects according to an integrated approach and aimed at developing urban regeneration processes. I’ve built a network with several potential national partners, I shared my past experiences with other EU cities. I have also payed attention to explore the economic issues, focusing on circular and green economy aspects that can be improved in multi-thematic projects. I’ve been invited to seminars, meetings and thematic conferences to deal with our common issues. My personal update about funds and trends goes through the usual channels, that is participating in the info days, in presentation of results of analysis or studies of perspectives made by research institutes or other institutions (CNEL, ANCI, ..)
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
To increase the added value coming from the exchange of good practices and not to limit the precious experience only to the knowledge of the experiences made in other territorial contexts, I used the technique of the expert tandems in the INTERREG project called GREENITNET – Green IT Network Europe. I was the coordinator as PP for the City of Rome and we could reach appreciable results. It is a useful method to apply good practices, born and experimented by other partners in other local contexts, by studying their adaptability and, therefore, identifying how much is actually transferable and how much it is necessary to change and how. In fact, contexts may differ for the demographic, socio-economic, infrastructural, political, normative dimensions and also, perhaps the most complex difference, for history and culture. This is why it is strategic to involve local stakeholders and to stimulate a participatory process, to reach the most from the tandem. The challenge is to work in tandem and to contribute, on the part of the subject "bidder", to decontextualize one's own good practice and to bring out the process that led to compose it with specific dates and, by the subject who welcomes it, trying to predict its effects on its own local situation and the necessary adjustments. At the end of this path, the subject who has offered his good practice will receive important feedback on his work and on how the same action, dropped elsewhere, may have generated different effects.
Summary Expertise: 
I studied Economics and Statistics at the University of Rome "Sapienza". In my work I dealt with impact analysis at local level, stimulated by innovative projects and investments in SMEs. I studied and applied methods for transfer of technological innovation in the entrepreneurial work. I had collaborations with several Italian and European Scientific Parks to develop methods matching supply and demand of innovation. Then for several years I had the role of Head of EU Projects Unit in the Dept. for Local Economic Development and I coordinated projects financed under MED, INTERREG, LIFE, URBACT. I was also involved,as coordinator, in a project, WIMOVE, financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, under a Programme for the Innovation and Growth in big cities. big cities. The City of Rome was the Lead Partner .The project aimed to face critical issues about urban and extra-urban mobility, by rationalizing the transportation service and facilitating information to citizens. I’ve been the coordinator of the URBACT financed project RURAL, phase 1st. It was a very innovative project because we realized a strong collaboration with the local stakeholders involved in the experience of urban gardens. I also coordinated a project under the Programm AENEAS, called W.A.R.M. (Welcome Again Reinsertion for Migrants), with Rome as LP. It was aimed to help migrants from Albania to come back home by creating small companies there, studying business plans, buying tools for work.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise