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INT-HERIT Transnational Meeting in Espinho

Edited on

24 July 2018
Read time: 3 minutes

A total of 24 participants representing the nine member cities of the INT-HERIT network
attended the transnational meeting held in Espinho between June 27th and 30th, 2018. The two
URBACT project experts, Pedro Soutinho and Miguel Sousa, also attended, as well as an expert
candidate to be contracted as Ad Hoc Expert in the next stage of the project, Eurico Neves. In the
same way Ana Resende, representative of the NUP in Portugal and other collaborators and staff of
the Municipal Chamber of Espinho, participated in the meeting.

A list of all the attendees is included in the attached file, as well as the Agenda with the
program of the different sessions and activities carried out.

Espinho by the sea
Espinho is much more than a city by the sea, even though it is in its origin and it is its most
characteristic identity. Indeed, this can be contemplate in this video presented during the meeting
and confirmed with the detailed explanations given by the Vice-Mayor of the city, Vicente Pinto, as
we can see in the following presentation.

In line with the important urban regeneration interventions that are being carried out, the
municipality shares a question with neighbors and with guests such as those who attend this
transnational meeting: What image, what idea and associated name should be given to the city at the
end of this rehabilitation process? Which story should be told? How this should be communicated?

Rehabilitation of the urban area
The architect responsible for urban planning in the municipality, Sandra Almeida, presented the
Urban Strategy of Espinho in relation to plans related to the improvement of mobility, social
inclusion or urban regeneration, focusing in opportunities, challenges and existing risks. See the

The architect Rui Lacerda, as the project's editor, presented the "Rehabilitation Plan of the public
space of the Espinho rail-road" (ReCaFE), with a detailed explanation of the historical evolution
that connects the municipality with the railway and the proposal technique to reuse the public space
released after the burying of the train tracks.
The visit to the Castro Ovil supposed an irruption of the natural spaces and the historical landscape
near the urban center, including the rest of a primitive castro next to others of industrial character
pertaining to an old factory of production of paper. Both elements are in the middle of a natural
environment of great attractiveness that represents a challenge about how to approach strategies of
use and integration at the same in the municipality.

A peer review session
As usual in the transnational meetings of the project, a peer review session, moderated by the expert
Miguel Sousa, took place. Three groups shared critical analysis around three topics related to the
presentations and visits commented before:

  1. Castro Ovil and its relation to the PARU / ReCAFE
  2. PARU / ReCaFE - Implementation Challenges on PPP's
  3. Branding new identity of the city storyteller

See the presentation and questions produced to boost the creative debate between participants. A
peer review report will be produced shortly.

Bilateral activities in sight
On behalf of Cahors and Mantova, Celine Julien and Emanuele Salmin, presented the details of two
specific proposals from their respective cities, conceived as part of their participation in INT-HERIT
and other actions related to cultural heritage, launching an open invitation to the partners of the
network to generate bilateral learning through participation in two events. 

Administrative and Financial Session
On behalf of the Lead Partner of the INT-HERIT network, Antonio Zafra and María Bazuelo,
updated the most relevant administrative and financial information related to the management of the
project. In particular, three topics were presented in detail: characteristics and deadlines for the
completion of the next reporting round, introduction to the characteristics of the procedure called
Mid Term Review within the framework of the URBACT Program and the Ad Hoc Expert hiring
proposal for ten days in the framework of the project. 
The candidate proposed as Ad Hoc Expert, Eurico Neves, was invited to present a descriptive idea
of the expert support to offer to the partners, as it contains the this file, passing this proposal
according to the procedure established in the coming weeks by the Lead Partner to the URBACT

Technical working session
The Lead Expert of the INT-HERIT network conducted two technical sessions with the script that
can be seen in the following presentation. In the first, focused on the monitoring objectives to be
performed by the partners in relation to challenges 2 and 3 established by the Program, attendees
were invited to update a tab of indicators adapted to their particular situation, a task already started
in the meeting that took place in Alba Iulia. The second session was focused on deepening the
practical development of results and products aimed at forming part of the OIF that each city must
compile. In a practical way, through group work, attendees were able to practice making short
videos for their dissemination on social networks.

On the way to Sigulda
Laura Skrodele, on behalf of the municipality of Sigulda made an introduction to the visit to the
Castle of Sigulda which will be one of the central axes of the transnational seminar that the INTHERIT
network that will be hold between September 25 and 28, 2018. Soon, the hostess city will
send a draft of the Agenda and the organization of the meeting will begin.


The Int-Herit Lead Partner Team