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Edited on

18 June 2018
Read time: 2 minutes

The INT-HERIT network organised this meeting in Alba Iulia for two dozen attendants coming from all the partner cities involved in this URBACT III Project. An opportunity to travel to the core of one of the most relevant historical places in Romania.

The celebration in Alba Iulia of the Great Union Day the next 1st of December will represent a truly keystone to recognise this central position of Alba Iulia in the historical past of different political and administrative structures, whether it was Dacia, Transylvania or more recently Romania.

It is remarkable the high degree of concentration of monumental gems in a physical area dominating the city, inside the Alba Iulia Citadel. Here the visitor is driven through a collection of these evidences such as the Apulum Roman camp, the Transilvania Princely Palace, both the Catholic and Orthodox Cathedrals or the Union Hall in which the Romanian Nation was declared, without forgetting other cultural sites such as the Batthyaneum Library or the Museikon & National Union Museums.

It would not be easy to find a more appropriate place to analyse how effective and well focused the implementation of a cultural heritage strategy could be. This was the goal of the transnational meeting held in the Alba Iulia Municipality from 8th to 10th May, according to an intensive and interesting Agenda.

Some remarks about the place and the theme of the meeting can be made:

- The authenticity and unique character of the place

- The clear and prolonged strategy to promote it

- The important amount of money and resources delivered for the different implementation activities developed till this moment

- The effective creation and use of the Alba Iulia city brand. The Alba Iulia citadel – a military architectural monument unique in Eastern Europe – is a heptagonal construction from the 18th century. Measuring over 1km in diameter. From the very beginning, the shape of the citadel was a source of inspiration for designing the city logo.(Read here more about the Alba Iulia Manual Brand)

- The positive impact derived from the work of a very efficient and trained team


Following, links to different documents and presentations used during the meeting, while waiting for the staff, experts and external collaborators involved to produce other important outputs such as a video, a peer review report and other complementary resources.

Information about Alba Iulia public policy and cultural strategies:



Information about the INT-HERIT learning exchange activity. The way to the Operational Implementation Framework:

  • Checklist to verify the achievements of challenges connected with the implementation strategies. Presentation of URBACT Guidance documents, Challenges 1, 2, 3
  • Lead Expert “Monitoring Performance” Presentation
  • ULGs performance
  • OIF. Presentation of URBACT Guidance document
  • LE Creating the OIF, Presentation
  • INT-HERIT OIF Template

Information about the planning of future network’s events:

  • Espinho, transnational meeting.
  • Bilateral activities, proposals from Cahors and Mantova, presented by Céline Julien and Adriana Nepote (coming soon)