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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
A multidisciplinary European masters in environmental management gave me a solid grounding in the science and principles underpinning sustainable urban development. Over 20 years, I have worked with a wide range of public, private and third sector organisations, notably in Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium and the UK, to develop and support integrated approaches which contribute to sustainable development. Since 2012, I have been working with the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team, climate change agency and city council on a range of projects linking to the city’s climate change strategy and sustainability ambitions. I am currently involved in a World Cities Culture Forum programme and ROCK, a Horizon 2020 project on culture and urban regeneration, reviewing and developing integrated sustainability approaches, and strengthening the link between culture and environment. Other relevant projects include: design and delivery of culture roundtables for the Greater London Authority linking to the Mayor’s environment and culture strategies; development of an EU funding bid for Groundwork on inclusive sustainable development in urban communities, and; reviewing Central and Eastern European environmental policies as part of a European Science and Technology Observatory study on sustainable development strategies. My work has enabled me to understand both the challenges and opportunities of sustainable urban development, and the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
As an Irish national who has studied, lived and worked in many EU countries, fluent in French and German, I have a strong understanding of transnational exchange and learning and how culture and cultural values, language and place, influence attitudes, learning, policy and practice. In my first role at the International Network for Environmental Management, I supported information and experience exchange across 30 associations in 25 countries, working with funding and policy bodies e.g. German Environment Foundation, UN Commission on Sustainable Development. In Austria, I supported delivery of a regional eco-management programme, and a number of EU and bilateral Austrian and Czech environmental co-operation projects. In Brussels, I worked as lead consultant with a transnational team at the European Commission (EC) developing its eco-management and audit system and also worked on European projects such as Energy Training for European Buildings (Leonardo). In the UK since 2008, I have worked on a range of EU projects including Creative Climate Leadership (Creative Europe) and EE-Music (Intelligent Energy Europe), and with international organisations such as the Onassis Cultural Centre, Vivendi and ID&T. The key to facilitating transnational exchange and learning is understanding the backgrounds and experiences of the people you are working with and the cultural context in which they work and sharing common values and challenges whilst recognising difference and diversity.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
English is my mother tongue. I am an excellent communicator in speaking, listening and writing. I regularly deliver training, workshops and presentations in English, and have written and produced a wide range of reports, case studies, tools and guidance for different audiences, from policy-makers and funding organisations, to city councils and networks, businesses and public service bodies in a range of sectors. Most recently I developed and wrote the Museums’ Environmental Framework to help museums developing their environmental practice, presenting a complex range of topics and approaches in a clear and user-friendly way, and Manchester Arts Sustainability Team: five years of cultural collaboration for a more sustainable Manchester. I write clearly in simple language and have the ability to lay out make complex issues and approaches in a straightforward and systematic way, making them accessible to ‘non-experts’. Studying languages and speaking fluent French and German, has enabled me to develop the ability to communicate clearly in English, when working with non-native speakers and to appreciate the importance of language.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
An Irish national who has studied, lived and worked in Austria, Belgium, Germany and the UK for over 20 years and a sustainability expert, I have a deep understanding of transnational exchange and learning, and how culture and cultural values (local, regional, national and organisational), place and language can influence sustainability attitudes, learning, policy and practice. One of my key strengths lies in being able to bring together individuals and organisations from different cultures, backgrounds and areas of expertise (engineers, technicians, artists, civil servants), from ‘beginners’ to leaders, to facilitate common understanding and collaboration on the complex issues of sustainability. I started my career supporting information and experience exchange for the International Network for Environmental Management. I went on to spend 4 years in Austria supporting the delivery of a regional environmental programme and bilateral co-operation projects between Austria and the Czech Republic. I then spent 4 years based in Brussels working on a range of European environmental projects, leading a transnational team at the European Commission on developing internal environmental policy and practice. Since coming to London in 2008, I have worked on a range of regional, national, European and international projects focusing on sustainability in the creative sector and cities and supported learning and exchange in all the projects in which I have been involved.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have a European masters in environmental management and over 20 years’ experience supporting environmental learning and developing policies, strategies, processes and integrated approaches to sustainability. Specific areas of expertise are environmental support programmes, environmental management systems, energy, carbon footprinting, sustainable buildings and events. My experience includes 3 years delivering training, support and tools under Lower Austria’s eco-management programme, 2 years supporting Austrian-Czech co-operation on environmental management and infrastructure projects and 3 years as lead consultant developing the EC’s internal environmental policy and practice, the first of the EU institutions to achieve EMAS. After 2.5 years as the Guardian’s environmental manager, I joined Julie’s Bicycle in 2012. Since then key projects include delivering and reporting on Arts Council England’s environmental programme (covering 700 organisations) and working with the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team (MAST), climate change agency and city council on projects linking to the city’s climate change strategy. In 2017 I wrote MAST: five years of cultural collaboration for a more sustainable Manchester and have been working to share the MAST model, including a case study for WCCF’s Culture and Climate Handbook. I am also working on a WCCF programme and ROCK, a Horizon 2020 project on culture and urban regeneration, reviewing and developing integrated sustainability approaches

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
At the International Network for Environmental Management I supported exchange across 30 associations in 25 countries, through i.a. events, case studies and tools, sharing learnings with i.a. the UN, EU and national policy-makers. I have provided training, consultancy and tools to organisations under the Lower Austrian eco-management scheme and also supported Austrian-Czech environmental exchange via i.a. study visits and training. Since joining Julie’s Bicycle in 2012, I have worked on Arts Council England’s environmental programme (700 organisations) e.g. reporting and evaluation feeding into ACE’s forward planning and developing the Museums’ Environmental Framework in consultation with museum sector representatives and in line with policy and funding requirements. I supported the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team in co-creating commitment and actions and tracking its progress and contribution to the city’s climate change strategy through i.a. workshops, data analysis and surveys. For ROCK, a Horizon 2020 project on culture and urban regeneration, I am reviewing and developing integrated sustainability approaches with 3 cities, based on i.a. a city diagnostic, review of existing policies and initiatives, and developing support tailored to each city’s needs. I am also involved in design and delivery of culture sector roundtables for the Greater London Authority linking to the Mayor’s environment strategy, involving briefings, workshops and surveys.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
I have helped the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team network to co-create its sustainability commitments and actions, track and report annually on progress, linking to the city’s climate change strategy, and communicate its contribution on a city level. I am now working with MAST on developing a zero carbon culture roadmap. I have worked with Manchester City Council on developing its sustainable events policy, practice and reporting in line with the city’s sustainability ambitions and climate change action plan, based on an initial pilot project for Manchester Day. This has included developing key indicators on events’ contribution to sustainability (economic, social and environmental), as well as development of guidance for event stakeholders on how they can contribute. In London, I have worked with the London Events Forum (representing 32 London Boroughs) to inform their sustainable events strategy and am currently working on designing a series of roundtables for the Greater London Authority for the culture sector to feed into the Mayor’s environment strategy. In 2012 I led work on a bid on skills for inclusive sustainable development in urban communities on behalf of Groundwork London and 7 EU partners. This involved a review of the approaches taken and challenges faced in the participating cities and establishing a methodology to develop skills and training on this basis in line with city and EU sustainable development policy.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Throughout my career it has been essential to keep up to speed with EU and national policy, funding and support programmes relating to sustainability and sustainable urban development. I subscribe to a range of information services from organisations such as Euclid, Knowledge Transfer Network and C40 and have regularly attended EU funding information days. I have worked on developing and delivering projects under a range of EU funding programmes including: • Creative Europe – Creative Climate Leadership • Horizon 2020 - ROCK - Cultural heritage leading urban futures • Leonardo da Vinci – Energy Training for European Buildings • Intelligent Energy Europe – Energy Efficient Music • European Regional Development Fund - Culture Change, Creative Futures • Urbact Good Practice City - Mobilising Manchester’s arts and culture sector to contribute to local climate change policies I was involved in developing Funding Watch, with support from Arts Council England, an online database of regional, national and EU funding opportunities for arts and cultural organisations seeking financial support for environmental and sustainability projects. I also work with funding providers such as ACE’s capital team, on developing criteria and guidance on sustainability and capital funding, linking to i.a. local, regional and national funding priorities.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
I have developed a wide range of tools, guides and resources aimed at sharing and supporting best practice, tailored to local situations and the needs of different sectors and organisations. For ROCK, a Horizon 2020 project on culture and urban regeneration, I am developing a programme of support, tools and training for 3 EU cities, based on EU best practice while addressing specific city priorities, levels of experience and knowledge. For the World Cities Culture Forum climate change programme, I supported development of a city diagnostic, to be rolled out across 7 cities to assess current culture and sustainability policy and practice as a basis for future planning and action. The EE-Music and Energy Training 4 European Buildings (ET4EB) projects involved supporting exchange and learning on energy practice across different countries, sectors and areas of expertise and adapting best practice without imposing a one-fits-all approach. For EE-Music, I led work on establishing country profiles and worked on tailoring tools, online carbon calculators, training and guidance developed for the UK for use by EU music and energy sector professionals in 11 EU countries as well as establishing country ambassadors to support local work. For ET4EB, I worked on sharing building energy management practice across 10 countries and working with training experts to develop this into online train-the-trainer materials, focusing on the needs of energy managers, building owners and users.
Summary Expertise: 
Over 20 years working as a sustainability expert, I have designed, delivered and evaluated support programmes, policies and practice for a range of organisations from city networks, regional governments and European institutions to museums, townhalls and city councils. My approach is based on participation, rooted in creating common understanding of the relevant issues, co-creating strategies, actions and approaches tailored to the local and national context, and aligned to broader sustainability ambitions, policies and funding. Over the last five years I have worked in particular with the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team, climate change agency and city council on a range of projects linking to the city’s climate change strategy, including a strong focus on citizen and stakeholder engagement. I am currently working on initiatives for the Greater London Authority, ROCK on culture and urban regeneration, and the World Cities Culture Forum, all based on a participatory approach aimed at strengthening synergies between culture and environmental policies and contributing to broader city-level sustainable development. This and other work on design, delivery and evaluation of environmental support programmes, from Arts Council England to the Lower Austrian regional government and International Network for Environmental Management, has given me an invaluable insight into the importance of adapting to local and sector-specific needs, situations and cultures.


Residence location:
United Kingdom
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Unavailable - already performing the role of Lead Expert for an URBACT network

Area of expertise