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Final event of BoostINNO "Non conference of social innovative cities"

Edited on

28 March 2018
Read time: 1 minute

Do you want to hear about the latest trends and good experiences in the field of urban development through social innovation? Find out how cities build and communicate about the ecosystem of social innovation? How can you measure their social impact? Join the „Non-conference of socially innovative cities”, which takes place on 11-13 April 2018 in Gdansk.

Non-conference of socially innovative cities
APRIL 11TH 2018
Elektryków street, Gdańsk
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch at Shipyard hall
14.00 - 14.15 Welcome | President of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz
14.15 - 14.25 URBACT – a network of learning cities | Kristian Radojčić - Networking officer URBACT
14.25 - 15.00 Social Innovations and modern city management: public purpose based on M. Mazzacuto | Piotr Wołkowiński – lead expert Boosting Social Innovation
15.00 - 16.30 Panel: The influence of social innovation on city management and policy-making – European trends 
- mindset change (Wroclaw)
- 100% city youth policy (Braga) – what results?
- 4.0 Management – prosumer – 4 th industrial revolution (Milan)
- Building relations – knowing with whom, why, on what subject – Sensemapping (Aldo de Moor)
- social innovation ecosystem – what does it change from the city management point of view? (Turin)
- knowing what you are spending – towards whom – spend analysis and impact management (Piotr Wołkowiński) 
- the broker role of cities – an example for others, (Gdańsk – Magdalena Skiba), (Baia Mare – Dorin Miclaus) 
16.30 - 17.00 Coffee break
17.00 - 18.30 Debate about social innovation in the context of management and the development of cities | Moderation: Piotr Wołkowiński
19.00 Evening Meal

APRIL 12TH 2018
Dolna Brama 8 street, Gdansk 
(Future “Gdansk Social HUB”)
8.30-9.00 Coffee and registration
9.00 - 10.00 Visit of the social innovation space
10.00 - 13.00 A creative workshop: The collective design of the Gdansk innovation hub.

Elektryków street, Gdansk
13.30 - 14.30 Lunch 
14.30 - 15.30 Feedback. The Gdansk social hub and city management. An exchange of experiences and opinions between BoostINNO and Polish cities.