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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am, by formal training, a Human Geographer (Diploma) with a PhD in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Austin with an MA-equivalent Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching. I have worked for seven years as Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning (Queen’s University Belfast) and Sustainable Urbanism (University of Manchester). Through practical experience as freelancer and consultant, before, during and after my academic career, I gained hands-on insights into the operational “logics”, remits and constraints of both private commercial companies and public authorities, in particular city administrations. Since 2013 I am Senior Sustainable Mobility Consultant at Rupprecht Consult where I lead the team “People-focussed mobility solutions”. In my daily work I collaborate with cities across Europe, mainly in large EU innovation actions and research projects, to make their urban mobility system more sustainable, more inclusive and more people-friendly.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
The notion of “learning” in the context of URBAC networks seems somewhat inappropriate because its traditional understanding implies a rather mono-directional conveyance of wisdom from a “sage on the stage” to an uneducated audience. While this is obviously an exaggerated portrayal, it highlights the importance and the specific value of “exchange” with its emphasis on a relationship of peers and the sharing of experience among equals. This represents much more accurately my understanding of what should happen in productive URBACT networks. Exchange in this sense is then also a guarantor of one of the most crucial pedagogical ingredients of personal growth: Individual relevance! Only content that matters for the “receiver” personally tends to become part of someone’s mental and cognitive assets, which in turn is a precondition for the practical application of such knowledge “on the ground.” In my personal approach this notion translates into the facilitation of personal encounters (face-to-face or virtually), moderated discussion fora, site visits, virtual office hours, webinars, job shadowing and other peer formats
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have lived, worked, conducted research, taught, given keynote presentations etc. in English speaking countries (USA and UK) for a total of 11 years. As shows, I authored very many publications in English, including two books.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have been leading WPs and tasks about exchange in multiple EU projects. For example, I designed and led the stakeholder exchange in SINTRAS and TRANSFORuM and I developed the related WP of VITAL NODES. I also facilitated the international learning and peer exchange activities of SWITCH, I coordinated the set-up of and lead the development of the EU-wide eLearning platform on sustainable mobility I also devised the exchange programme among “Take-Up Cities” of The array of participants in such activities varies a lot: From rather homogeneous to very heterogeneous groups (incl. mayors, social care workers and children). These different settings required tailored formats and depending on circumstances I use tele-conferences, World Cafés, focus groups, eCourses, Webinars, role plays, podcasts, short videos, online discussion forums, instant messenger groups, peer grading, pre-event surveys, speed dating exchange, iterative rounds of one-statement-per-participant, silent voting (Mentimeter). I also take care to facilitate such processes through deliberate seating arrangements, conversation ground rules (e.g. Chatham House) and the organization of team-building social events. Helpful for the moderation of any type of discussion is also my official training in “Alternative Dispute Resolution”. The three principles that guide my related work are added value, convenience and fun.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
As trained Geographer with a Ph.D. in Community and Regional Planning (with a specialization in Science and Technology Studies) and with a long-standing track record in sustainable urban mobility, I am alert to all things at the intersection of transport, space, society, technology and policy. This has led to various related applied research projects – mostly with a focus on concrete implementation – publications, teaching, take-up and dissemination activities. Related EU projects that deserve special mention and where I played a coordinating role are TRANSFORuM (FP7), SWITCH ( STEER), SINTAS (service contract), SUNRISE (H2020).


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise