Website hosting, maintenance and development services for the European programme URBACT III and email management for the URBACT Secretariat
Edited on
25 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute
This call is now closed
The subject of this contract is the provision of hosting, maintenance and development services for existing European URBACT III programme websites and blogs, or those which could be developed within the framework of this contract or, if necessary, outside of it (specific sites for events, for example), as well as the management of the URBACT Secretariat messaging service.
All documents related to the call can be found in English below:
- Special terms and conditions
- Bidding rules
- Financial annex
- Purchase order simulation
- Declaration of subcontracting
- Delegation of signature
- Letter of application
- Declaration of candidate
French versions are here:
- Cahier des clauses particulières
- Réglement de la consultation
- Annexe financière
- Simulation de commande
- Déclaration de sous-traitance
- Délégation de signature
- Lettre de candidature
- Déclaration du candidat
Date and time of the bid submission deadline: 3 p.m. (CET) on Wednesday 11 April 2018
Submitted by URBACT on