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Palermo - Integrated Action Plan

Edited on

28 February 2018
Read time: 2 minutes

After decades of stillness, Palermo is a city undergoing massive changes thanks to new urban policies aimed at providing more efficient public services, especially in the field of urban mobility. This transition phase implies a big challenge both for citizens and public administration in order to adapt to new habits, new procedures and to the use of new web devices. The Integrated Action Plan (IAP) intervenes in this context by proposing solutions able to improve the city’s social media governance meant as a key factor in driving both citizens and public administration towards a more sustainable city.

In order to achieve this goal the IAP proposes some specific objectives and related actions that draws on those solutions the ULG elaborated within Interactive Cities project for the improvement of communication ecosystem in the field of urban mobility.  With regard to this sector, the Municipality of Palermo implemented a variety of communication tools as the sustainable mobility web portal, the open data portal, online forums for e-participation and many others. Unless this richness, the ULG worked on the issues of lack of integration among them and on strategies to spread internal best practices.

Drawing on this pilot case the IAP focuses on the following specific objectives: to integrate the many communication devices provided by the Municipality, to increase citizens awareness of new communication tools at their disposal in order to be informed and to participate to mobility policies, to reshape daily working routines inside public administration in order to guarantee the caring of social media governance and keep all the web tools updated; to create new forms of collaborations between public administration and civil society in the communication management. In these framework the IAP’s target is quite heterogeneous and involves: citizens in general spanning from youth to elderly people, administration officials and public and private actors involved in territorial management.

In order to address these goals the actions identified regard: the development and renewal of digital services dedicated to the empowerment and integration of data collection systems in the field of territorial management; definition and implementation of a new organizational model aimed at improving institutional ability and efficiency of public administration in the field of territorial governance and communication strategy; actions of digital literacy in accordance with the principles promoted by Agid, Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, in order to spread digital culture among population and public administration and to encourage the use of new web devices provided by the municipality for a better territorial governance.

Municipality of Palermo