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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I work as a supervising engineer for the Greek Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and as an external scientific expert and coordinator in various EU funded actions and international projects.I hold a Master's Degree in Environmental Infrastructure planning ( focused on sustainable urban infrastructure development and a Master of Business Administration (MBA). I have more than ten years of professional experience in fields related to airports and sustainable urban mobility and urban development. Participation in national and international studies and research projects in the above fields as technical expert, technical manager and project coordinator.For two years (2000-2002) I worked at the Region of Central Macedonia - Local union of Municipalities where I was involved in the implementation of EU funds and European Developmental Policy 2000-2006 ( The 3rd Community Support Framework Community Initiatives: Urban , Leader , Equal , Cohesion Fund ). The main target group was local and regional authorities and sustainable integrated urban development. From 2002 onwards , I mostly manage urban development projects of the Public Sector for Municipalities, Regions and other regional strategic stakeholders focused on Aviation and Urban mobility. Speaker (including invited talks) at numerous scientific and technical national and international conferences. Member of national and international evaluation committees
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I am an Erasmus National Expert of the Greek National Agency . I provide assistance with the implementation and evaluation of actions managed by the Agency .I am an Examiner – Technical Expert of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance which is the National Coordination Point for EQF in Greece (NCP). I have Experience in the organization and execution of specialized workshops, training courses and training schools in the fields of airport operation and urban mobility. I am an expert of TAIEX which is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission. TAIEX supports public administrations with regard to the approximation and the sharing of EU best practices, thus I participate as a speaker (including invited talks) in workshops , conferences , study visits and Expert missions related to urban mobility and aeronautics . Extended knowledge in multi-disciplinary international experts group management, through the participation in numerous committees and technical working groups.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I can communicate fluently in English (oral and written) as I am holding a TIE Certificate (Test of Interactive English ) from the Gatehouse Awards United Kingdom (ESOL International Examinations : C2) and a License to teach the English Language from the Ministry of Education in Greece. I have more than 10-year experience in participation as coordinator, technical manager and technical expert in international project consortia, comprised by several international entities each. All project related communications (oral and written) and activities are managed, executed and held in English. Continuous participation in international conferences, workshops and scientific events as speaker/presenter. All presentations and talks are prepared and held in English. Participation as invited speaker (TAIEX) in seminars and training schools. All activities, including training materials, are prepared and provided in English. Author of several technical reports, evaluations , deliverables and notes within the framework of national and international research project and projects. All reports are written in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I participated in several international projects, where transnational exchange and learning activities were an inherent part of the work. I prepared and delivered training courses to a variety of audiences (large-sized and diverse groups of experts, in the sense of cultural, educational and ethnic differences), where I adopted my methods and the tools for the successful delivery. I provided several technical and managerial presentations. Especially within international projects involving planned, executed and managed complex meetings and discussions related to complex topics of urban mobility. I coped with differences, to alleviate barriers for successful cooperation and project delivery. I utilized several innovative ways to achieve the active engagement of participating stakeholders to use learning tools. I prepared and provided a very large number of presentations to diverse audiences, utilizing new communications means to actively engage and reach to non-native English speaking persons I gained increased exchange of experiences and knowledge for the benefit of each individual project. I produced more than 50 project meeting reports, containing detailed meeting minutes, to-do items and allocation of roles and definition of deadlines for follow-up activities as well as technical reports (including good practices and policy guidelines), synthesizing results coming from international experts’ meetings within the framework of technical and innovation projects.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I hold a diploma in Mechanical engineering a Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Infrastructure planning (MSc) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA). I have been involved in several national and EU research and Infrastructure projects. From 2009 onwards, I have evaluated international projects related to Airport Operations and Urban mobility which have been funded by a variety of EU funding mechanisms like ERA-NET, Eureka and Horizon 2020. I work as a supervising engineer for the Greek Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and as an external scientific expert in various EU funded actions and International projects. I have been involved in several related national and EU research projects. I have developed several inputs in the form of reports, position papers and briefings within the fields of sustainable urban mobility. I have authored several reports that covered good practices and policy messages to be utilized by practitioners, decision makers and policy makers in the fields of sustainable urban mobility. Several of the project outputs, for which I was personally responsible for either as technical manager of project coordinator have been utilized for capitalization purposes and further strategies formulation

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Most of the projects that I have participated in either as technical manager or project coordinator, as mentioned in the previous sections, included participatory, co-creative and co-production activities, so as to establish commonly agreed and commonly beneficial results. Within these projects I have organized a large number of meetings with stakeholders and representative of various groups and interests, whom I successfully managed to collaborate and produce sustainable results. Indicative examples include: 1) Thematic group for the definition of sustainable urban mobility targets for the city of Thessaloniki and the airport of Thessaloniki , within the framework of the Thessaloniki’s urban mobility management system project, 2) Guidance to the managing authority of the Adrion Interreg action Region Emilia Romagna in Italy .Thematic group for the identification of user needs for the development of a transnational approach related to intermodality between ports and airports. 3) Thematic group for the implementation of cooperative mobility systems in Thessaloniki. 4) Thematic group to enhance the intermodal connections between ports and airports ( 3 Airports Dubrovnik, Pula, Airports of Apulia and 4 Port Authorities ,Dubrovnik, Pula, Bari, and Corfu) 5) City of Copenhagen and Airport of Copenhagen Copenhagen All the above groups have based their activities above principles and methods of co-creation.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
It has become clear to me from the early stages of my career that decision and policy making is a complex process, which goes beyond the pure technical aspects, in which domain experts usually feel comfortable with. I have therefore tried to understand the actual processes of policy and decision making and tried to fit in these the activities of mine, as a technical expert in the domain of sustainable urban mobility. Most often, these are projects that are related either to the development of master plans or master studies or to the implementation of measures/strategies proposed in such studies, under the umbrella of the current local policy setting and the overall economic circumstances faced in each city individually. Indicative examples of such cases where my tools and methods have been used for policy assistance, decision making support and monitoring of these include: 1) Definition of sustainable urban mobility targets for the city of Thessaloniki and the airport of Thessaloniki , within the framework of the Thessaloniki’s urban mobility management system project 2)Thematic group for the identification of user needs for the development of a transnational approach related to intermodality between ports and airports. Region Emilia Romagna in Italy
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Being a Supervising Engineer in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure , my primary job is to remain informed (so as to be able to provide further contributions myself) both at scientific and policy level and monitor the progress at national, European and global level in all fields of Aviation and sustainable urban mobility . I am regularly participating in relevant events and information workshops of EU bodies and relevant international organizations. I am an active member in major related EU organizations, such as EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency ) , SESAR joint undertaking (Single European Sky ) , ECTRI and ERTICO (The pan-European ITS organization) and others. Within ECTRI, I attend the Thematic Group on Mobility, thus I need to remain informed on all aspects related to sustainable mobility in Europe and globally, so as to effective fulfil the obligations of managing a group comprised of globally acknowledged experts in the field. I am a member of the expert group of the European Commission’s DG Regional and Urban Policy. Furthermore, my 10-year active engagement in the international scene of Aviation and sustainable urban mobility has provided me with the possibility to have a personal network of contacts with several experts from the scientific, industrial and policy levels in the fields of Aeronautic and sustainable urban mobility, which allows me to receive on time information about all progresses made in the field.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Throughout my career I have been always hardly trying to position myself in the seat of my collaborators when complex technical work needs to be executed or important decisions to be taken. Therefore, I have always adopted my pallet of tools, the presentation of my knowledge and the content, so as to be optimally “absorbed” by the local, case-specific context. Indicative examples include:For the training seminars that I delivered to the Aeronautical Union of Serbia. I needed to revisit the methods and tools that I have developed for enhancing regional mobility by strengthening and greening alternative airport capacities to handle international air traffic so as to fit to the local context, the local transport system and the local legislation . 2) For the training seminars that I delivered in Croatia , specific to Rijeka Airport, I needed to completely modify the methods and tools for providing meaningful learning to the participants, due to significant differences in the level of knowledge of transport analysis tools as well as in mentality. 3) As a scientific expert of AirCiF , I needed to adopt new approaches and mechanisms in order to focus on a range of management, planning and design aspects, as well as social and individual behaviours, that influence travel experiences like airport accessibility, journey functionality, the link between transport modes, number of airline destinations, and the airport’s political, economic and infrastructural frameworks


Residence location:
Greek - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise