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SMAU Innovation Award for the cities of Genoa and Palermo

Edited on

02 October 2018
Read time: 1 minute

The City of Genoa received the Innovation Award as lead partner of the Interactive Cities project, at “SMAU2017”.


The event took place in Milan from October 24th to 26th: for over 50 years, it represents a moment chosen by entrepreneurs, managers, companies and public administrations to update on topics such as innovation, technology and ICT.

Thanks to its visibility and prestige every year, through the Innovation Award Smau shares and enhances experiences that can represent a model to follow for other realities as well; in addition to the city of Genoa, also another partner of Interactive Cities was awarded, the City of Palermo, for the work carried out both in Interactive Cities and in the other project in which it is involved, CityMobileNet; another URBACT city,  San Donà del Piave (Italy), lead partner of the URBACT CityCentreDoctor project, was awarded too.



Municipality of Genoa
Communication Officer