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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have twenty years practical experience of developing, implementing and evaluating urban regeneration initiatives. Working for social enterprises and municipalities I was responsible for governmental and EU funded social inclusion, economic development, environmental improvement and community safety initiatives delivered through partnerships between public, voluntary and private sector organisations. Since 2004 I am working in the higher education sector, managing and teaching on executive development programmes for public and voluntary sector organisations. I have managed a self-funded research institute concerned with social enterprise and civil society organisations and undertaken a wide range of national as well as European studies on issues ranging from active ageing to the socio-economic integration of young people and refugees. I have been Lead Expert for two URBACT networks that dealt with integrated urban development (REGENERA 2004 – 2007; SURE 2009 – 2013), I was Lead Expert for the URBACT pilot project on good practice transfer (Placemaking for Cities, 2014 – 2015) and also led the URBACT capitalization project on shrinking cities and demographic change (2012- 2013).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Transnational networks I have been lead expert for typically involved mayors, elected politicians, departmental directors and middle managers of municipalities as well as volunteers and managers of civils society organisations. Supporting learning and exchange between these different actors is challenging within the context of a single country, these challenges are multiplied in transnational settings. Developing the capacity for constructive yet critical debate about different approaches to and perspectives on urban development problems is therefore a core goal for the networks I am responsible for. Engaging partners in practical exchanges with their peers to review and develop their ideas on tackling complex problems tends to be at the center of the exchange and learning activities of the networks I am leading. Supporting participants in reflecting on their own practice and providing the group with higher level conceptual models that help them make sense of the challenges others encounter and why they respond to them in their particular way, are among the most important contributions which I make alongside the thematic and methodological inputs I make.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have worked in the UK for 30 years and am an accomplished presenter, able to communicate effectively with professional, political, community and academic audiences. I have published extensively in policy, practitioner and peer reviewed journals. There are several articles in the URBACT Tribune I co-authored with other urban development experts and I have written a wide range of reports on the results of the URBACT networks I have led.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
An experienced leader of EU networks and capitalization initiatives I have extensive experience in designing the exchange of knowledge using interactive learning techniques that foster the inclusion and active participation partners whose first language is not English. A skilled facilitator I draw on my extensive teaching and consulting experience when responding to different learning styles and cultural as well as sectoral differences. Using a range of techniques to animate meetings and workshops I ensure that the voice of all participants is heard, including those often on the margins of exchange meetings, such as members of civil society organisations. I have substantial experience in publishing urban renewal related findings and practices in magazines, peer reviewed journals, books and news media.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have extensive practical and theoretical knowledge of integrated urban renewal, local governance, environmental management and the active engagement of local communities. My expertise is rooted in 20 years of managing urban regeneration projects for public and not-for-profit organisations as well as 12 years as a researcher and teacher in higher education institutions. My international expertise includes participation in a wide range of European research and consulting projects, such as leading the URBACT funded REGENERA and SURE projects, both of which were explicitly concerned with integrated urban renewal.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have substantial expertise in conceptualising and exploring the nature and challenges associated with governing organisations, networks and cities, with a specific focus on collaborative strategy and leadership in regeneration practice. My transnational experience includes developing integrated urban regeneration strategies with cities in the URBACT funded REGENERA and SURE networks and also the URBACT funded capitalisation exploring the challenges associated with governing cities which encounter long term decline.
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have extensive practical experience of developing environmental improvement projects both at community and strategic level, ranging from locally controlled community gardens to regionally significant urban forestry initiatives. Enabling citizens to shape and contribute to the governance and implementation of environmental improvement initiatives is essential in my view. The Placemaking for Cities project is an example where the focus was on animating spaces rather than undertaking physical improvements to enhance the urban environment. Current research interests include the development of green infrastructure in declining regions and cities.
Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have extensive expertise in identifying and including marginalised groups in problem analysis, planning and implementation or urban renewal initiatives. I have 20 years of practical experience in designing and running community engagement initiatives, particularly for marginalized and excluded groups, such as black and ethnic minorities, young people, ex-offenders but also older people excluded from community life. At transnational level I designed and led the URBACT II SURE project which placed explicit emphasis on the inclusion of residents. I also designed and led one of the first URBACT knowledge transfer projects concerned with placemaking, a practice which entirely depends on the active participation of residents in the animation of urban spaces. Reaching traders as well as older people was integral to the development of inclusive and hence sustainable interventions.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
As regeneration practitioner I have been extensively involved in designing and running community engagement initiatives, particularly for marginalized and excluded groups, such as black and ethnic minorities, young people, ex-offenders but also older people excluded from community life. At transnational level I designed and led the URBACT II SURE project which placed explicit emphasis on the inclusion of residents. I established the principle that participating municipalities should provide for two representatives of the local action group to participate in exchanges. Where partners embraced the inclusion of their residents in trans-national exchange they found that capacity to progress local action plans was enhanced, not only in terms of comprehension and awareness of the availability of different ways to approach problems, but also in terms of recruitment. Residents are the most effective recruiters to civil society groups involved in integrated regeneration initiatives. The practices explored in the SURE project were successfully applied in Eger, Hungary, where the municipality was able to engage marginalized Roma community in managing a community center, organize clean ups and tree planting as well as developing social enterprises. This principle was further developed in the URBACT funded knowledge transfer project Placemaking 4 Cities which enabled shop owners, residents and parents to actively plan and implement he animation of public spaces.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
I have been responsible for a number of integrated regeneration initiatives where jobs, safety, the environment and social welfare formed key themes that requires careful monitoring and evaluation. In terms of transnational networks I have been responsible for supporting municipalities in developing their local actions plans. These reflected local circumstances and progressed at different speeds. Some municipalities focused on securing contributions from external agencies (public, private or arms-length companies and civil society organisations) while others placed more emphasis on bottom-up initiatives with the aim to handing over control as well as responsibility for outcomes to local communities. This required different approaches towards capturing and evaluating progress. Practical examples from my URBACT networks include the self-managed community garden in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland (Placemaking for Cities) or the use of mobile street furniture in an experiment to explore animation options for a central square in Louvain la Neuve, Belgium (SURE). I have extensive programme management experience, including responsibility for substantial budgets and the delivery of demanding targets. I am well aware of the shortcomings associated with a focus on budgetary and quantifiable outputs and try to ensure that qualitative evidence of outcomes, interviews with participants or videos for example, is collected in a transparent and rigorous manner.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I have worked with a range of EU funding programmes and also evaluated some of them, such as URBAN and ERDF from academic perspectives. I am linked to a number of networks that utilize EU funding extensively, for example Urban Europe, Regional Studies Association or the Shrinking Cities Network, and I also receive regular updates via the my university’s European funding team, although here funding opportunities tend to be focused on research, but not exclusively. My experience shows that partners tend to be very alert to EU funding opportunities, however, and I explore with them first what their understanding of the local funding regime is before making my own suggestions. However, the local action plans from the SURE project provided the basis of a number of successful bids for EU funding, including those from Larnaca (Cyprus), Eger (Hungary) and Gheorgheni (Romania)
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Engaging local officials and residents is highly context specific and I have experienced the tensions arising from requirements imposed by funders to take a systematic approach while needing to be responsive to local circumstances. The ‘community university’ is an example of a participatory approach I used as part of the Place making 4 Cities project. The principle is based on sharing feedback from visiting cities on the ideas from the host city in regard to improving and animating local spaces. This approach is premised on the notion that placemaking requires the active collaboration of residents and officials to be sustainable, hence the community university is a learning opportunity for officials and residents at the same time. This approach works very well in localities with a strong history of participative democracy, such as Ireland, while in countries such as Hungary, these methods are more difficult to apply. Hence a variant of the community university was applied with the Hungarian partner allowing for the traditional hierarchical relationships between officials and residents to be reflected in the way options for adapting established local practices were framed.
Summary Expertise: 
I have extensive practical and theoretical knowledge of integrated urban renewal, local governance, environmental management and the active engagement of local communities. My expertise is rooted in 20 years of managing urban regeneration projects for public and not-for-profit organisations as well as 12 years of working as a researcher and teacher in higher education institutions. My international expertise includes participation in a wide range of European research and consulting projects. Of direct relevance to URBACT is my expertise in developing and managing the REGENERA and SURE networks which were explicitly concerned with integrated urban renewal. Equally relevant is my expertise in establishing and managing the expert panel on shrinking cities and demographic change which was part of the URBACT capitalization ‘Cities of Tomorrow, Action Today’. My experience of developing and managing one of the first URBACT pilot projects on the transfer of good practices in 2014-2015 enabled me to develop expertise not only on methodological frameworks that facilitate peer learning, but also on methods that enable participants to practice the adoption and adaptation of good practices in their home towns.


Residence location:
United Kingdom
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Unavailable - already performing the role of Lead Expert for an URBACT network

Area of expertise