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Great success for Riga's first local dissemination event

Edited on

02 October 2018
Read time: 1 minute

On the 18th of October the City of Riga organized its first local dissemination event.

The Riga City's Department of Education, Culture and Sport, supported by the URBACT local group, organized the City fisrt Local Dissemination Event.

The event has seen the participation of over fifty peopole among teachers and relevant stakeholders of the educational sector. The participants were introduced to the “Arrival Cities” project, its aims, activities and achieved results.  Furthermore a draft of the Integrated Action Plan has been presented to the audience by Irina Vasiļjeva, URBACT local group coordinator. The participants expressed a big interest towards the actions described in the Plan and in particular on the support measures foreseen for teachers working with children with migration bakground. In addition they manifested their interest in following the elaboration of the document and its future implementation.

In the framework of the local dissemination activites the Municipality is planning to hold two more dissemination events in October and November. In order to give wider visibilityto the Draft Integrated Action Plan, the document will be sent to the members of the Riga's City Advisory Board on Society Integration and to the representatives of the NGOs working with immigrants, that will be invited to participate in the next dissemination events.