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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Due to my academic background as an Economist and my 20 year career, the integrated and sustainable urban development has been a part of my expertise, more particularly in the fields of local economic development, local governance and social integration. Over the last 9 years I am the managing director of Premium Consulting, a consultancy company founded in 2006. Among my duties I support local authorities in Greece and Cyprus mostly as external consultant or member of advisory groups towards sustainable development through -management and design of local development programs/projects - management, finding suitable financing tools and develop, apply and monitor projects national and EU projects - studies ,surveys reports and policy recommendations on sustainable urban development thematic issues In this context , I have been involved, participated, coordinated and supervised several EU transnational projects (e.g URBAN, EQUAL, LIFE, ENPI, INTERREG, ERASMUS+, JESSICA, MED etc) that support the concept of integrated and sustainable urban development.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
During my 20 year working experience I was engaged in the coordination and supervision of several EU transnational projects (e.g URBAN, EQUAL, LIFE, ENPI, INTERREG, ERASMUS+, JESSICA, MED etc) that facilitate the exchange and learning processes and included the component related to production, and transmission of the final results. In this context, I have developed the ability to organize particular activities (participatory activities, events, social network activities) in the context of the involvement of the different actors, that compose the social structure of the cities (local authorities, businesses, technicians, citizens). My expertise entails also the engagement/empowerment of various actors and stakeholders to the shared project through the use of co-design tools. Additionally, as a Visiting Lecturer (domain of International Economics) at the Department of Maritime Studies of Frederick University Cyprus, I have Students from Cyprus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Nigeria and Syria, constituting a multinational learning environment.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I hold a proficiency in English certificate from University of Michigan. Additionally as a Visiting Professor I teach in English language in Frederick University, Cyprus the courses ofMaritime Economics and International Trade and Transport .Finally, during my 20 years working experience I have participated in numerous transnational projects, training activities within various international teams and settings which entailed the involvement of multiple actors (authorities, stakeholders and technicians). Finally I am proficient in writing in English since I have been publishing scientific articles and reports of the projects I have been involved in.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have 20 years of professional experience in transnational projects such as URBAN, EQUAL, LIFE, ENPI, INTERREG, ERASMUS+, JESSICA, MED in which I have been involved, with an important role in the design and the delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities. This is evident in the relevant international projects described in my CV, where I have not only participated as a partners but where I also acted as project coordinator, which proves my understanding of dynamics and cultural differences. Additionaly, through my academic experience as an Instructor in the Graduate Program of Panteion University (2007-2009, Economics of Environment, Department of Public Administration), Special Scientist at the University of Piraeus - Department of Maritime Studies (2006-2008), Visiting Professor at the Maritime Department of the University Frederick University Cyprus specializing in field of maritime economic and the International Maritime Trade (2006-2014), it is evident my ability to design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
In 20 years of professional experience, as business consultant in addition to my educational background as an economist with specialization in International Business and Maritime Studies, I have cumulated a number of experiences related to Active inclusion of target groups. My expertise is mostly on the theme of active inclusion of unemployed people. In this context I developed my ability to produce thematic inputs to feed in the learning process within projects in which I have been involved, my ability to produce concise reports that incorporate learning from exchange and learning activities, put forward good practice and policy messages targeting city practitioners and urban policy-makers as well as to maximize the use of project results for strategic benefits in capitalization, policy design, awareness raising etc. Among my projects that prove my expertise in the thematic Active inclusion of target groups are: -Managing Food Surplus & Facilities for the benefit of vulnerable social groups as part of Operational Programme "Human Resources Development" co-funded by the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF - Member of the EQUAL management team -Network addressing unemployment in the area of Piraeus and the Municipalities of West Attica (EMPLONET) Additionally I am an active partner in Urban Cooperativesaiming to produce Local Employment Plans as part of Operational Programme "Human Resources Development" co-funded by the EU.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
In 20 years of professional experience, as business consultant in addition to my educational background as an economist with specialization in International Business and Maritime Studies, I have cumulated a number of experiences related to Local economic development. In this context I developed my ability to produce thematic inputs to feed in the learning process within projects in which I have been involved, my ability to produce concise reports that incorporate learning from exchange and learning activities, put forward good practice and policy messages targeting city practitioners and urban policy-makers as well as to maximize the use of project results for strategic benefits in capitalization, policy design, awareness raising etc. Among my projects that prove my expertise in the thematic Local economic development are: - Member of the Technical Advisory Group of the Municipality of Perama, for the implementation of the project URBAN II, 2004 - 2009 - Research, Prioritization, Evaluation of Best Practices within the project ESF6-CIA/INTERREG IVC, 2010 - "Adapting the JESSICA financial tools in Greek Reality", European Investment Bank, Member of the Project Team, 2008 - Elaboration of a strategy to address demographic changes and challenges in Western Greece, Regional Development Fund for Western Greece, 2009
Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs
Summary Thematic expertise: 
In 20 years of professional experience, as business consultant in addition to my educational background as an economist, I have cumulated a number of experiences related to Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs. My expertise includes the sub-themes of clustering, networking, alternative financing modes, innovation, SME’s in the maritime sector, green and blue growth etc. In this context I developed my ability to produce thematic inputs to feed in the learning process within projects in which I have been involved, my ability to produce concise reports that incorporate learning from exchange and learning activities, put forward good practice and policy messages targeting city practitioners and urban policy-makers as well as to maximize the use of project results for strategic benefits in capitalization, policy design, awareness raising etc. Among my projects that prove my expertise in the thematic Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs are: - The “Development of Mediterranean network of business in the sectors of tourism and culture”, within the project “East Mediterranean Cultural Network – Archimed”, 2007 – 2009 INTERREG III B ARCHIMED - - "Diagnostic analysis of the sme’s needs within municipality of Athens" under the Project "Advisory support of small business in innovation,entrepreneurship and cooperation" - Technical Consultant for social business development as part of the “Local Employment Plans” within Attica Region, implemented with the co-financing of the ESF

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies


Residence location:
Greek - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise