News from Lousã: Urbact Local Group meeting and Thematic Working Table
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11 February 2022Since Lousã is part of the URBACT - Playful Paradigm II, the Lousã's ULG - Urbact Local Group met in the beggining of february, and analysed the projects goals and set up an innovative stategy for inclusive, healthy and sustainable play.

3 February: Lousã's Urbact Local Group meeting
Thus, in order to define the best recreational strategies for Lousã, invitations were made to establish the ULG, which includes the 4 Parish Councils, the Marimbondo Company and Momo – Circus Museum, Lousã's Mountain Business Association, ACTIVAR - Lousã's Cooperation Association, ARCIL - Association for the Recovery of Unadapted Citizens of Lousã, as well as STATUS – Professional School of Lousã and AEL – Group of Schools of Lousã. For Luís Antunes, Mayor, “playing can contribute to make a difference for a better future for cities and towns, as is the case of Lousã. By participating in this European Network, we seek to provide our children and young people with the opportunity to, in a playful and fun way, learn and participate in the “game” of urban management and acquire tools that will certainly be useful for them in the future”. Luís Antunes added that this is another initiative that aims children and young people, but also seniors and families, which will involve the community and represents a structured investment for the present and the future of Lousã.
10 February: Lousã's Thematic Working Table
The Group of Schools of Lousã and the Municipality of Lousã met for a specific task and goal: to define new stategies to play with music, using Classplash apps.Classplash apps are a playful introduction into the world of making music and provide a quality musical education that is accessible anytime, anywhere, and for everyone by using interactive apps that are not only playfully easy, but also provide a unique and effective learning experience for children and adults also. It engages students to learn and play different instruments, such as a soprano recorder, at
The AEL – Group of Schools of Lousã and the CEO of Classplash decided to promote trainning for teachers and other school professionals, for a more inclusive project.
With Classplash's music learning games, you can go "from zero to music hero", since no music reading skills are necessary, and while you play you have immediate feedback – making learning an instrument fun!
Submitted by Altrementi on